Hey Tigers!

A lot of you may be confused by the title of this blog post. Next semester? Finals aren’t even close yet! You’re right. However, it is time for you to be picking your courses for the spring semester. For those who are undecided, this may be an intimidating task.

Here is an important date: Freshmen registration for the Spring 2016 semester is November 16, 2015.

Have you gone to see your advisor yet? This is something you really should do, especially if you need some guidance regarding your courses. You should have your academic advisor you met with at freshman orientation.

  • If you were undecided and now are considering a specific field of study, there is probably an advisor specifically for your major. Click here for the “Find My Advisor” page and scroll to find the advisor for your major!
  • Your advisor is there to help you, but don’t let them do all of the work! Do some thinking and some planning before you go in for your meeting. The University of Memphis website even provides you with a checklist to make sure you’re ready.

Utilize your resources. The university provides students with a good variety of tools that can assist in choosing courses. Use them! Even if you still end up unsure in what you want to do, you’ll at least have browsed some possibilities.

  • UMdegree is available for all students to use. This tool is not only for choosing your next semester courses; it also provides an estimate on how long it will take you to graduate, and so on. When you click on the UMdegree link, located in your mymemphis portal under the “My Degree” tab, you will be able to see your requirements, what you have completed, and what you still need to complete. Simply click here for instructions.
  • Courses to Consider is another tool provided for students. It is also located under the “My Degree” tab in your portal (makes sense, right?). This tool lists the courses you could consider taking to finish your area of study. These courses, of course, aren’t required; they’re just suggestions. You even have the ability to filter your campus, specific courses, and so on.

An important thing to remember: your advisor is there to suggest but YOU choose your courses. If you don’t think a specific course is right for you, you don’t have to take it. However, your advisors do know what they are talking about, so don’t take what they say for granted. Do your research, talk to people. You’ll never find what you want to do if you don’t explore your options!

Have a question? Need help finding a website? Don’t hesitate to call the ITS Service Desk at 901-678-8888, we’re here to assist you 24/7!