Hey guys!

So, it’s pretty rare to go through your college career and even your high school career without hearing the words “get involved.” The idea of getting involved can be slightly scary or intimidating, especially if you’re not so outgoing, so today I’m going to share with you several ways in which you can get involved!

Do you know about Tiger Zone? If not, check it out, it has information on pretty much everything, from links to different organizations to dates and information on every event that’s going to take place. Just click here to go to the webpage and sign in with your UUID and password! Here are some of the things you’ll find on this awesome website:

  • Greek Life is one of the most common ways to get involved on campus. Rush week is a big ordeal, especially for new freshmen. It’s a great way to meet new people, especially with all of the social events . Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try it, you may end up loving it! If you have any questions about Greek Life, the Greek Councils are located in Room 222 in the University Center.
  • Student Organizations are another fun way to get plugged in here at University of Memphis. I know the term “organization” sounds a little drab, but I’m 100% certain we have an organization for you. Organizations at University of Memphis can range from civil rights to art to anime and even to aerial and circus arts. Take a few seconds to browse through our list of organizations, and I’m sure something will catch your attention.

On Campus Jobs are another great way to plug in while earning some money. This is great for students who need to pay off loans, need to buy groceries, or want to go shopping. Basically, on campus jobs are great for everyone. A lot of these jobs tend to have flexible schedules; these people know you’ve got an education to receive! Here is a list of regular student positions that are in need of workers. Check back from time to time, as these positions change!

Giving Back is another way to get involved and meet people on campus. University of Memphis provides so many opportunities for service, such as Up ‘Til Dawn and Habitat for Humanity. Just click here for a list of service opportunities and information about them.

  • Need to keep track of your service hours? We have an easy way to do so. It’s called “NobleHour.” It allows you to find the exact event you participated in and log your hours for it. This is where you submit scholarship service hours as well. It takes away the pressure of having to remember what you did, how long you did it, etc. Click this link to find instructions on how to access and use the website.

Have a question? Need help finding a website? Don’t hesitate to call the ITS Service Desk at 901-678-8888, we’re here to assist you 24/7!