le mercredi 24 février 2016

Activités en classe —

  • Quiz (copy of it here — if you missed it or didn’t do well, don’t worry — I drop the lowest couple of quiz grades)
  • Culture
    • p. 208, ex. 15. Une personne lit (reads), puis la classe vote
    • Quelques notes
      • •having one hand above and the other below the table was traditionally considered rude in France, but no one’s sure why and most people don’t really care anymore about this rule.
      • asking for ketchup in a French restaurant might be seen as an insult (as if it doesn’t taste good enough on its own)
      • • usually you wait for everyone, including the host/hostess, to be served before you start eating in France.
      • •as we discussed, for many of these rules in the book, if you’re out with family or friends they won’t care much, but if you’re in a more formal situation, it would be good to know them.
  • Au restaurant — vocab et culture
    • •p. 209-210 Répétez des phrases clé
    • • Culture. We highlighted a few expressions (please review the rest on your own)
    • Monsieur (Madame, etc.) / S’il vous plaît / wave your hand to get your server’s attention. Don’t say garçon, considered rude (here, boy!)
    • •un menu (EXAMPLE): you select from a few choices (for example, an entrée, a plat principal, and/or a dessert) and get a special price. Limited options, but cheaper
    • •une carte (EXAMPLE): a list of everything the restaurant has. If you order à la carte, you can pick anything but it costs more than doing a menu
      • Usually you’ll have a choice between ordering « le menu » or ordering items directly from « la carte »
    • •j’ai faim, j’ai soif, I’m hungry, thirst
    • • I’m full = j’ai bien mangé / je n’ai plus faim
    • • l’addition s’il vous plaît — waiter gives you space, time to talk, doesn’t want to kick you out.
    • • le service est compris — Almost 100% of the time the tip is included, you should just assume it is. Can leave a little extra if you really like your service or meal.


  • •p. 210. Écoutons ensemble
    • •Vous jouez les rôlesScript ici (section B)
    • Culture — Voix en direct, p. 198-9
      • We listened to each person’s experiences about eating with family and discussed differences between US and France (in France most people don’t watch TV when they eat, but in the US many people do — although not in out class! — people used to see their families at night for dinner, especially on Sundays, but now this is less and less the case, etc.)
    • •Discussion p. 199, ex. 4. Avec un partenaire.
  • Expression écrite (instructions — due Friday on paper at the start of class.

DEVOIRS, annonces, etc.

  • Devoirs — 
    • Expression écrite (instructions — due Friday on paper at the start of class)
    • On Friday, we will discuss a poem and review for the chapter test
      • check the Documents tab the morning of or night before every class and download or print out any sheets and
      • read the pages on the calendrier before coming to class.
    • The chapter test for Module 7 is on Monday.

    Annonces — 

    • The French film festival on campus ends tonight — Wed, Feb 24. There’s also a fondue tasting today at 4pm before the film Le ChefSee the Points bonus section for details on these and other extra credit opportunities.
    • Free tutoring hours — the Plus… section of the site has hours and locations.
    • If you missed any previous classes, don’t forget to check what we did — previous posts below list what we did, what the homework was, etc. (and whenever you’re absent, you should always check the Archives to see what we did in class, what HW is coming up, etc. The Archives are usually updated by 9pm after class.)

    À bientôt !

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