Does Running Really Cause Arthritis?

Does Running Really Cause Arthritis?

By: Carly Tyler

Does running cause Arthritis ?  Why wouldn’t it?  Arthritis is painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints..When you run you put all your pressure on your knees, and muscles. It would be easy to believe that running would be bad on your knees. Continuous running is an obvious culprit for causing arthritis to the joints of the legs. You are applying big loads of pressure to your knees which would  eventually degrade its protective cartilage, which would lead to arthritis.

Many studies have showed that if the runner starts off with good knees the risk of arthritis does not increase due to running. Some research has had some people wondering why running can combine high impacts with a low risk for arthritis. So for a new study helpfully entitled, “Why Don’t Most Runners Get Knee Osteoarthritis?” researchers at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and other institutions looked more closely at what happens, biomechanically, when we run and how those actions compare with walking. Walking is usually considered a low-impact activity. So many doctors highly recommend elderly people to walk more.

During the study called, “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise” the researchers recruited 14 healthy adult recreational runners, half of them women, with no history of knee problems. They had half of these runners walk, and half run.  At the end of this study the researches came to a conclusion that the amount of force moving through the volunteer’s knee over the distances were similar whether they walked or ran. The half that ran generated more  pounding while they took each stride, but they took fewer strides than the half that walked. So over the course, say, a mile or the overall loads on the knees were about the same on each person.


Dr. Ross Miller from the University of Maryland who led the previous study that was stated in the article called, “Why Runners Don’t Get Arthritis” said, runners frequently succumb to knee injuries unrelated to arthritis.






A New Possible Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


                Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a group of muscle-destroying diseases that cause progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle fibers (Tortora and Derrickson 359).This disorder is a sex-linked inheritance. It affects boys more due to them only having one X chromosome, which carries the disorder. According to Gerard Tortora and Bryan Derrickson, this is a serious condition and usually makes walking impossible by time a boy is 12 years old.

                A new treatment shows promise! According to Science Daily and the Children’s National Medical Center, A preclinical study has found that a new oral drug shows early promise for the treatment of DMD. The new drug, VBP15, will decrease inflammation that causes discomfort and strengthen the muscles without having bad side effects. The current medicine now is glucocorticoids. This medicine is rarely given due to the impact it has on your immune system.

                Dr. Hoffman believes this new drug is very promising for treatment of DMD. If this drug is passed to be used, I believe this could really cut down on the amount of male babies who have DMD. It wouldn’t be a difficult treatment. A pill would be taken orally. Edward Connor, MD, CEO, and CMO of ReveraGen Biopharma and Director of Innovation Development at Children’s National say they are optimistic that the new drug will translate well to patients, and they are moving this forward as quickly as possible, but still assuring safety.



Children’s National Medical Center. “New muscular dystrophy treatment shows promise.” ScienceDaily,

17 Sep. 2013. Web. 1 Nov. 2013.

Tortora, Gerard J., and Derrickson, Bryan. Principles of Anatomy & Phisiology .13th ed.  Hoboken:

                John  Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. Print.


For a long time wrinkles were thought to be merely a sign of old age or worrying.  Well, it gets better, studies show that wrinkles could potentially be a sign of lower bone density which is how much calcium is stored in your bones.  Mom always said to drink more milk.


At Yale, 100 women chosen at random, going through menopause were studied and those with more wrinkles were found to have lower bone density which could put them at a risk for bone fractures.  I believe that your health gives you an idea of something that may not be so noticeable inside the body without an external sign.  Way to go, body!  According to CBS News, some “experts” say that people who spend a lot of time in the sun often develop wrinkles which can speed up vitamin D promotion in turn leading to healthier bones.


We must keep in mind that the study of this was only in early menopausal women and it is not associated with women of all ages.  It should also be taken into account that this is not a huge concern and that if you have a face full of wrinkles and you fall down that doesn’t mean that you will break a bone.  Also, if you have a great-grandmother, age 91 and she is very wrinkly it does not mean she has a low bone density, she has lived a full life. Personally, I think there will always be something new that they find out and that you can’t freak out over every little thing.  This study is still an ongoing process.


Source: Pearson, Catherine. “More Wrinkles Could Mean Weaker Bones, Research Shows.” The Huffington Post., 07 June 2011. Web. 24 Oct. 2013

Helpful Maggots

Lisa Querry


   Usually when one hears the word maggot we don’t associate it with anything good or interesting, but for once maggots are good or so some think!  These slimy creatures have been demonstrated to do excellent things for wound healing.  Maggot debridement therapy is the use of live larvae to go into wounds and clean out the dead tissue so they can heal much faster.  As gross as this may seem it is actually very beneficial for bad wounds, some have been using this method dating back to before written history!

In the United States medical maggots are regulated by the food and drug administration for medical use only.  This process takes two to three days of the maggots being inside of a wound covered with special dressing.  The maggots natural instinct is to migrate away from clean tissue so it goes and gets rid of all of the bad.  Cleaning throughout the wound, these maggots promote healthy tissue growth.

The use of Maggot therapy is still going strong today; in 2011 approximately 50,000 wounds were being treated with this process. Although it may seem scary, it is much more efficient then any antibiotic or topical treatment for a wound.  These can be most beneficial for people who have chronic wounds such as pressure ulcers, neuropathic foot ulcers, and non-healing traumatic or post surgical wounds.  So before you see the word maggot and get utterly repulsed, think about the benefits that you could reap from this larva and how it could help if you had a serious wound!


“Medical Maggots™ (maggot Therapy, Maggot Debridement Therapy, MDT, Biotherapy, Biosurgery, Biodebridement, Larval Therapy).” Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2013.


ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2013.

Skin Testing for Allergies and Disease

Blog 2 (Skin Testing for Allergies and Disease)

I decided to write my second blog on the integumentary system. The integumentary system includes the skin, hair, and nails. The integumentary system does a lot of things for the body. It helps protect body, serves as a waterproof layer, and regulates the temperature for the body. The system also does more. I am basing my blog off of allergies. An allergy is an abnormal response to the immune system. Although it effects the immune system, it also effects the integumentary system.

Skin testing for allergies is used to figure out what is causing your allergy symptoms. This method is used on your skin by pricking or scratching. The doctors then wait to see how your skin reacts to the allergy they used. The three main test are: scratch test or prick test,  intradermal test, and patch test. The doctors decide what type of test that the patient needs. For the scratch test (prick test) the doctor or nurse simply puts an extract or many extracts on your skin, and wait to see if your skin reacts to it. For the intradermal test, a small amount of allergen is injected into skin (somewhat that of a tuberculosis test). The last and final test is the patch test. The doctors or nurses put the allergen on the patch and then put the path on your skin.

The skin testing for allergies or diseases could help in society, because it will help people realize what they are allergic to. My mother never knew what she was allergic to until she went to the doctor and did the prick test. If she had not of found out that she was allergic to kookaburras, they doctors said that her throat could close up if she got close to one. One of these skin tests could possibly save someone’s life.

Tortora, Gerald J., and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. 13th ed. N.p.:        n.p.,n.d. Print.

Johnson, Kimball, MD. “Skin Testing for Allergies.” WebMD. WebMD, 03 Jan. Web. 06 Oct.         2013.


Wolf Man

The Ambras syndrome and hypertrichosis occurs when someone has abnormally excessive body hair. The entire body is covered with fine body hair except the palms, soles and genitalia on an individual with Ambras syndrome. On hypertrichosis patients only have fine hair on their face, nose, ear, and shoulders. The hair could be as long as several centimeters.

Hypertrichosis is believed to be inherited, but is still unknown. Hypertrichosis was once thought to be an example of atavism, which is the recurrence in a animal of certain primitive characteristics, and at one time was thought to be the missing ape-human association needed to prove Darwin’s theory. In two cases, Ambras syndrome was found associated with the complex rearrangements of chromosome 8. Both have been found to have an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Hypertrichosis can occur until the average age of 2. Ambras Syndrome has increased hair growth throughout their lifetime.

In the United States, both of these diseases are extremely rare, but internationally there have been fewer than 50 cases found.  Researchers found in a large Mexican family with X-linked congenital genetic hypertrichosis the first genetic locus for human hypertrichosis was identified by a common relation analysis. There is a 1 in a billion chance that you can get Ambras syndrome. There are few treatments for Ambras syndrome and hypertrichosis but some have used laser hair removal, vaniqa cream, repeated shaving, and some chemical methods. For years these people have been seen mostly on the hit TV shows Ripley’s Believe It or Not.

Works cited

The American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 88, Issue 6, 10 June 2011, Pages 819–826 doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.05.004

Scoliosis Gene Found

Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curve of the spinal cord. The word “scolio” means crooked. When you look at a person from the back that does not have scoliosis their spinal cord and back appears to be in a straight line. However, when you look at a person with scoliosis there spinal cord and upper back makes a “c” shape. Scoliosis is a vertebral deformity that you are born with.
Dr. Ikuyo Kou and Dr. Shiro Ikegawa did a study in Japan at the Riken center to see if or what genetic factors are associated with scoliosis. Their study consisted of 1,819 Japanese individuals that were diagnosed with scoliosis compared to 25,939 Japanese individuals who did not have scoliosis. They compared the genes of these individuals who participated in their study and found that on chromosome 6 there was a gene associated with scoliosis. Researchers believe that the gene is, GPR126, and is highly expressed in cartilage and that leads to delayed bone growth and tissue formation in delevoping spine.
This research can greatly affect people will scoliosis. As of now, one method of “treatment” is wearing a back brace which is supposed to keep the curve from progressing any further. Another method would be having surgery, which is, a method of going into the vertebral column and attaching metal rods that are supposed to force the spinal cord to straighten. Both of these methods help but I am sure people who have scoliosis would like to have more options of treatment and that can be achieved in the future with this amazing discovery the Riken center made.

                                                                                                                  Work Citied
RIKEN. “Gene associated with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis identified.” ScienceDaily, 12 May 2013. Web. 3 Oct. 2013.           
Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

Characteristic of bone

Bone is a type of mineralized connective tissue that contains collagen and calcium phosphate. The calcium phosphate contained in the connective tissue is what gives the bone its firm and tough feeling.  The adult human body has 206 bones. The human foot has around 26 bones itself. Bones are a very complex part of the human body. Every bone has its own specific name and function.

The study of bones is called osteology. A group of osteoblasts are always stirring up new bone, while a set of osteoclasts are destroying bone. Damage to bones is a very common characteristic in the human body. Alcohol tends to be a big bone decomposer. People who are heavy alcoholics tend to lose tons of bone density. When you begin to lose too much bone density, it is called osteopenia. Osteopenia is a moderate form of the disease osteoporosis. The over-usage of alcohol over a period of time can still lead to a calcium deficiency within your bones.

Disproportionate weight may be bad for your health and unattractive to the human eye, but is actually good for your bones. There are many ways you can build stronger bones including exercise and moving muscle can build stronger bones. Your body is a very intelligent system, your body will acknowledge the excess weight by putting down more bone minerals to support and adjust the weight that is being put on.

Works Cited

Osteoporosis in Women After Menopause

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones where you have low bone mass. Osteoporosis can affect anyone, but women are most likely to get it. The reason women get osteoporosis more frequently is because the bones in the body are not depositing as much calcium as your body is absorbing. It mainly takes a toll on the upper portion of your body like the vertebrae, wrist, and hips, although it can affect the whole skeletal system. Osteoporosis can also  cause many other issues like shrinkage in height, bone pain, and a hunch in your back. More women often have osteoporosis, because their estrogen levels quickly decline after menopause. (Tortora, 203)

In the article, “Osteoporosis risk factors after menopause”, it states that a study was done on a group of Portuguese women that had gone through menopause. They wanted to find out if they could find any common factors linked to osteoporosis. They looked at the bone mass density by the use of DEXA, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. DEXA can tell you if you are at high risk for fracture. They are trying to come up with a drug that is  affordable for people with ostopenia to prevent it from progressing to osteoporosis.

I feel that people should know about this disease because it is so widely known in women. The more information you retain about osteoporosis, the better you can deal with it. I know several people that have osteoporosis and this disease has taken control of their life. It is physically hard for someone to stay active when you have osteoporosis. This could also lead to depression.



Inderscience, “Osteoporosis risk factor after menopause.” Science Daily. 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 6 Oct. 2013

Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson, 2012. Principals of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

Osteoporosis Warning Test

James Ganier

October 2,2013

Osteoporosis Warning Test

 Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which there is a decrease in bone mass and density. This decrease creates a breakdown of the bone tissue and makes fractures more likely. Osteoporosis affects 10 million people a year in the United States. Osteoporosis results in more than one and a half million fractures a year. However, researchers at the University of Southampton are testing a portable device to diagnose signs of osteoporosis.

  Researchers are currently testing a new device that has been developed to measure bone tissue to diagnose signs of signs of osteoporosis, which can lead to full-blown fractures. . For this new medical device, researchers push a microscopic needle into the superficial layer of bone. This amount of penetration exhibits how brittle the bone tissue is and the risk of a possible osteoporotic fracture later on in life.

  Previous methods to access bone fragility included using x-rays to measure bone density. This new technology introduces a new and unique measurement that will have a significant impact on diagnosing and treating osteoporosis. This new device has big potential for improving the assessment of osteoporosis and future fracture risk. This new devicecould reduce the overwhelming broken bone cases for the United States healthcare system and economy. New diagnostic techniques, like this portable device, are crucial to the development of understanding osteoporosis and bone health.

Works Cited:

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). “ Portable, low-cost early warning test for osteoporosis.” Science Daily, 17. Sep. 2013. Web 6 Oct 2013

Tortora, Gerald J and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. Hobokon: John Wiley & Sons. Inc 2012. Print