stem cell treatment for stoke

Strokes are cerebrovascular accidents (cva) and are caused by lack of blood flow or blockage to the brain. People at risk of a stroke suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Recent research has shown that stem cells can be used as cellular building blocks and can be administered to stoke patients and result in better recovery of brain function.

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that divide through mitosis and can regenerate itself to make new cells. Stem cells are being used to cure diseases everyday. Patients receive stem cells intravenously or subcutaneously. The procedure seems to be very safe and promising, it only takes an hour, and has no known negative side effects. For safety precautions, the stem cells that are used go through extensive screening to check for imperfections. Fetal stem cells are used because the body does not reject them because they do not have a cellular fingerprint.

This unique treatment means that patients will not need more medications for their immune system. That helps their bodies be on less medication and save more money. There have been over 2000 men and women treated with these stem cells and the results of their treatments have been promising. There has been substantial improvements in all the patients. It takes patients 3 to 6 months to see any changes and improvements in their treatments.


Sources: J. Tortora, Gerald, and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken NJ, USA  2012.

“Breakthrough Stroke Treatment”. www.stemcellofamerica.© 2011 Stem Cell Of America

The Star-nosed Mole and Sensory Receptors

The most sensitive area to touch in a human is located at the fingertips. Touch receptors are densely packed with about one hundred per square centimeter. Pain receptors (nocireceptors) occur at lower ratio. The neurons can respond to these two possible stimuli at the same time. What keeps these signals from mixing?

A look at the star-nosed mole (which is not only the fastest eating mammal, but also the animal with the most touch and pain sensitive organ of any mammal) may help. The most sensitive area is not in its fingers (because it has claws) but on its nose. The star shaped portion of its nose has the highest density of nerve endings with over one hundred thousand fibers per square centimeter of skin. Neurons are packed into these nerve endings. More of these neurons respond to touch rather than pain. This translates into several other mammals as well.

This news is important new research because these same types of receptors have been found in the sensory receptors of humans and mice. The sense of touch and pain are closely related, but knowing how these are sensed simultaneously and differentiated in the cells is still being researched. The goal of these studies is to pinpoint certain genes that distinguish which sensation should reported, touch or pain. Further findings in this field may lead to treatments of chronic pain through new medications or types of therapy.



Kimball, John W. “Mechanoreceptors.” Mechanoreceptors. Kimball’s Biology Pages, 19 Feb. 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

Public Library of Science. “Leading by the nose: Star-nosed mole reveals how mammals perceive touch, pain.” ScienceDaily, 30 Jan. 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.   


Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes mucous to be extra thick and sticky (Tortora, Derrickson 2011). Some organs in our body are lined with mucous. Cystic fibrosis affects the digestive and respiratory system. Breathing becomes difficult, out of the ordinary smelly bowel movements, constipation, lung infection, and stuffy nose are the symptoms that make everyday tasks harder than what they should be. The disease is inherited from one parent or both (Tortora , Derrickson 2011) . There are several ways to treat it, antibiotics and mucous thinners are a couple.

Speaking of Treatments, many people have found exercising have been a way to treat cystic fibrosis. The cardio workouts help the heart, which is a muscle, to become stronger. Recent studies have shown that people with cystic fibrosis who work out spend less time at hospitals paying for treatment (MediLexicon 2013). Also compared to a person with CF who does not work out, their growth and lung function has improved 21 % (MediLexicon 2013). Being active is a new treatment used to treat cystic fibrosis (MediLexicon 2013).

Exercising to treat Cystic Fibrosis is benefiting to the community because it is prolonging the life of our loved ones. Secondly it helps avoid paying for costly visits to the hospital and medicine. The hospitals may not benefit from the loss of revenue, but the money we spend there can be invested into our suffering economy and promote the growth of small work companies. Overall no one can lose. Life benefits all.


Literature Cited

  1. 1.    Tortora, Gerald J. Derrickson, Bryan H. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. January 4th 2011



  1. 2.    Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. “Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Benefit from More Time At The Gym.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 1 Mar. 2013. Web.
    6 Apr. 2013. <>


The Breathing Lung

The Breathing Lung

            Thanks to a fascinating organ, called the lung, we are able to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood, which allows our body’s cells to carry on their daily functions. However, there are people whose lungs no longer function properly and therefore need a lung transplant. A lung transplant involves surgically removing the lungs of a deceased person onto that of the recipient (1). Lung transplants can be performed from newborns to adults under the age of sixty five (1).

Usually once the donor lungs are removed from the cadaver they are placed inside an icebox where they are carried to the recipient (2). However, there is no longer any need for the icebox when one can have a breathing lung transplant instead, which the lung transplant team at Ronald UCLA medical have successfully performed (2). The devise, known as the Organ Care System (OSC), works by keeping the lungs alive and functioning while being transported (2). As soon as the lungs are placed in the device they are warmed and start breathing using oxygen and a supplementary solution of red blood cells (2). Dr. Abbas Ardehali, a professor and director at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, believes the breathing lung transplant device will not only allow them to improve the function of the donor lungs, it also makes it easier to access the donor lungs and carry them safely across longer distances (2). The OCS device is still going through clinical trials in lung transplant centers in Europe, Australia and Canada (2).

I believe the OCS device will have a positive effect on society. With this new technology device, the donor lungs will be tested before they are put into the recipient, which can determine if the donor lungs are adequate for the recipient; something that cannot be done in the iced box method. Also with the OCS device, the donor lungs can travel across longer distances and are safer than if they were on the iced box. Overall, not only will the OCS device help improve the lung transplant process, it will also save lives.


1.) “Lung Transplantation Procedure.” Johns Hopkins Medicine. The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Web. 27 Mar 2013.

2.) University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences. “First ‘breathing Lung’ transplant in United States.” ScienceDaily, 26                               Nov. 2012. Web. 27 Mar. 2013.


Tweaking Gene Expression to Repair Lungs

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease occurs when airflow to the lungs is blocked causing an increase of airway resistance (Tortorra and Derrickson). It is one of the highest causes of death of Americans and affects males more than females, but female COPD diagnoses have recently increased (Tortorra and Derrickson). Its primary cause is cigarette smoking or secondhand smoke meaning it can be prevented by avoiding those activities (Tortorra and Derrickson). There is no cure for COPD but there are available treatments to ease symptoms (ScienceDaily). However, recent studies have shown that with the use of epigenetics, chemical modifications to DNA and its proteins, can cause the lungs to regenerate damaged tissue and possibly curing the disease (ScienceDaily).

Dr. Ed Morrisey from the Institute for Regenerative Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania is researching the possibility of repairing the regenerative property of the lungs that is lost with pulmonary diseases (ScienceDaily). His studies show that a person with COPD had a lower amount of an enzyme called HDAC2 which he believes leads to the inability of the lung epithelium to regenerate properly (ScienceDaily). Further studies supported his belief when it was found that the different types of HDACs in the body functioned for both development and regeneration of lung tissue (ScienceDaily). With this finding, he believes that further studies of HDAC activity can lead to treatments that could potentially cure many types of lung diseases like COPD (ScienceDaily).

The lungs are one of the most important organs in the body and taking care of them is critical for an overall well being, and avoiding damaging such an important organ can prevent one from getting a lung disease. Respiratory diseases are all too common in America with millions diagnosed with Asthma, COPD, Emphysema, Chronic bronchitis, and other lung related diseases. These disorders are a big burden to those affected by them, and those with the disorder live the rest of their life with it as there are no cures only treatments for the symptoms. However, this recent study on the effects of the HDAC enzyme can lead to further research that could allow for a treatment with HDAC to regenerate damaged lung tissue that would cure many respiratory diseases.

Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. “Tweaking gene expression to repair lungs.” ScienceDaily, 25 Feb.  2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2013

Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons


Dendritic cells directly attack cancer cells

Dendritic cells, which are derived from monocytes, are the most potent of the antigen-presenting cell types. They have long, branched projections that resemble the dendrites of a neuron, and they assist in the maturation process (Tortura & Derrickson). They play a role in anti tumor immunity because of their ability to acquire, process, and present to T lymphocytes tumor-derived antigens. There is current research being studied involving the correlation between various roles of dendritic cells and cancer treatment.

Research has show that dendritic cells can directly attack cancer cells and then present tumor antigens visible to T cells. Antigen presentation makes it easier for the immune system cells to recognize and attack cancer cells (Immunotherapy). Dendritic cells are immune cells that determine the type and regulate the strength and duration of T-cell responses. Also, they contribute to natural killer and natural killer T-cell anti tumor function and to B-cell-mediated immunity (PubMed).

The potential impact of the cytotoxic function of dendritic cells on their ability to present antigens has been a focus of intensive research. This examines the possible strategies to exploit the killing potential of dendritic cells in cancer immunotherapy (PubMed). By understanding the basic science behind the immune system, researchers will have more tools to combat disease and less people could suffer as a result.

Gerard J. Tortora and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2012.

Hanke N, Alizadeh D, Katsanis E, Larmonier N (2013)

Dendritic cell tumor killing activity and its potential applications in cancer immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy. Cancer Vaccines. 25 March 2013.

Preoperative blood transfusions reduce postoperative complications

Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood products from one person to another through bloodstream or directly into the red bone marrow. The most common reasons for blood transfusions include: alleviating anemia, increasing blood volume, or improving immunity (Tortora & Derrickson). They are sometimes used in regard to many different illnesses, such as preventing complications associated with sickle disease (WebMD). In one particular scientific study, seventy patients participated with the intention of discovering if preoperative blood transfusions are beneficial with patients who have sickle cell disease.

Patients were randomly assigned no transfusion or transfusion no more than ten days before surgery. Sixty-seven of the seventy participants were accessed, thirty-three were not preoperative and thirty-four were. Sixty-seven patients had the hemoglobin SS subtype, and fifty-four were scheduled to undergo medium-risk surgery (PubMed).

The intent was to lower the amount of hemoglobin S red blood cells in the body by blood transfusion. When fewer hemoglobin S cells are in the bloodstream, they are less likely to build up and block blood vessels. Also, blood transfusion increases the number of normal red blood cells in the body, increasing the supply of oxygen to the body (WebMD).

In conclusion of the study, thirty-nine percent of patients who did not receive the preoperative blood transfusion reported clinically important complications. Only fifteen percent of patients receiving the treatment had complications. It could be determined that preoperative blood transfusions could be associated with decreased complications with people who have sickle cell disease. Blood transfusions might be beneficial to patients who have hemoglobin SS subtypes and are scheduled to undergo low risk or medium risk surgeries (PubMed).

Living Without a Pulse

The heart is essentially the engine of the human body. The chambers of the heart contract and relax in order to move blood throughout the body (1).  The number of times the heart contracts and relaxes in a period of time is known one’s heart rate (1).  We associate the heart rate or contractions and a person’s pulse with life. If you have a pulse, then you are alive.

Until recently, if an individual had heart failure or heart disease their only options were to receive a heart transplant or die from the disease. Now, there are many researchers attempting to develop long-term artificial hearts. Many of which have made significant breakthroughs in their efforts

In 2011, Dr. Bud Frazier and Dr. Billy Cohn successfully implanted an artificial heart that creates a continuous flow of blood (2). As a result of the continuous flow the patient had no pulse (2).  Dr. Frazier’s studies also found that although the heart was not beating, the organs and tissues were not affected at all and worked properly with the alternate blood flow. The pair of doctors are continuing research and believe that the future will include life without a pulse.

(1) Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

(2) “News and Publications.” Texas Heart Institute. Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, 23 Mar 2011. Web. 28 Feb 2013. <

A New Look at Blood Transfusions

A New Look at Blood Transfusions

There are many reasons why people sometimes need blood transfusions. Blood transfusion is a process where blood from a person is transferred into another person (1). The most common reason why people require a blood transfusion is because they have lost too much blood, whether the blood loss was from a trauma accident or surgery (1). However, blood transfusions can also be done if a person suffers from severe anemia (1). Although blood transfusions can potentially save a person’s life, there are several risks that can occur. For example, after a blood transfusion, a person may develop what is known as a febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction, which is a fever that resolves on its own (1).

Recently, the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow developed a way to reduce the blood lose in patients during surgery by using a devise known as the HemoSep devise (2). The HemoSep devise collects the blood lost during surgery by using a blood bag which employs a chemical sponge technology and using a mechanical agitator to concentrate the blood collected (2). Once the cells are separated, they are put back into the patient by intravenous transfusion (2). In the 100 open-heart surgery clinical trials operation carried out, not only did the HemoSep devise drastically reduced the need for blood transfusions, it also reduced inflammation, something normally seen after a surgery procedure (2). Furthermore, there are still many clinical trials planned (2).With the CE mark, the device will now be sold in all European territories and any other regions that recognize the CE mark, as well as Canada (2).

I believe this new technology device will impact society in a positive way. Thanks to this new device, people will not have to risk their lives by getting a blood transfusion.  The less transfusions people have, the safer they will be from getting infections, viruses, or other risk factors that come from blood transfusions. Furthermore, with less blood transfusions needed people will not have to donate as much blood as before.  In my opinion, it is a win-win situation.


1.)    “What is a Blood Transfusion?” News-Medical.Net . (2013): n. page. Web. 22 Feb. 2013.

2.)    “New technology to transform blood processing.” (2012): n. page. Web. 22         Feb. 2013.


Heart Condition: Arrhythmia Culprit Caught in Action

For the heart to contract several steps have to occur, but one main component used to make the heart contract is calcium. Calcium binding allows for actin and myosin to develop tension which influences the strength of the heart contraction (Tortorra and Derrickson). However, substances can alter a change of calcium flowing through the calcium channels leading the heart to beat too fast or too slow in a condition called arrhythmia (Tortorra and Derrickson). Many diseases and conditions are associated with arrhythmia, such as sudden heart attacks in healthy people, which has researchers wondering what causes this.

With the utilization of powerful X-rays, University of British Columbia researches have managed to create an animated model that shows how gene mutations can affect the beating of the heart (ScienceDaily).  After calcium enters the muscle cells of the heart a special protein is in charge of opening the calcium channels that allow for calcium to be released and consequently make the heart contract (ScienceDaily). A gene mutation in the special protein controlling calcium release has been linked to arrhythmia, and other cardiac problems (ScienceDaily). With the construction of a 3D animated model of how the gene mutation of the special protein affects heart contraction, researchers can now better understand how this mutation can be corrected, and therefore possibly save lives (ScienceDaily).

Our hearts beat to the sound of calcium, but gene mutations such as the one that affects the special protein of the calcium channels can lead to serious health risks, and that is why the creation of a 3D model is so important. With a 3D model of the gene mutation researchers are allowed to visibly see such a mutation and watch it in action as it would occur in real life. Therefore, from this model, possible treatments can be made that would prevent or diminish heart related conditions caused by the gene mutation in the special protein. Arrhythmia, at its worst, can cause death, but further research and the utilization of this 3D model can help lower arrhythmia related conditions of the heart (ScienceDaily).

Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

University of British Columbia (2013, February 17). Heart condition: Arrhythmia culprit caught   in action. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 25, 2013, from