New Hopes for Medical Treatment

One of the basic life processes of living things, differentiation, is the unique ability of cells to divide and create new cells that have a specialized structure. These cells are known as stem cells. I am sure many of you have heard in recent news that stem cells are a much debated topic that has exposed new research from scientists and doctors around the world. Within the past year, new medical evidence has been discovered in fat cells via the procedure liposuction. Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles have discovered a new pluripotent stem cell that has properties different than other previously discovered stem cells; Multi-lineage Stress-Enduring (Muse-AT cells) that can thrive in harsh conditions.

Muse- AT cells are in fat cells that can be found in every human being. These cells are exceptionally resilient and survive and function in high stress situations. Muse-AT cells remain dormant until they come in contact with harsh environments. It has been discovered that these cells are only active in these harsh conditions. This is important because they can live in environments that we thought up until now only cancer cells could survive in. After a liposuction procedure, these stem cells located directly in the fat being targeted, become active in mending and repairing tissues and can move and respond to other areas as well. This surgery provides a great environment for the stem cells to become active. Muse-AT cells were discovered during a liposuction procedure, but the two are not related. These stem cells can be harvested easily from the body during common operations. One would not have to undergo liposuction in order to receive the benefits from the cells.

While much more research is still needed to fully understand these cells, scientists are hopeful that they could provide treatments and cures for diseases. The hope is that these Muse-AT cells could rebuild damaged areas to where they could function properly again. A main benefit of these cells over other stem cells is that they have not been shown to form tumors in the animals they have been tested in, whereas use of other stem cells often leads to tumors. Muse- AT cells are hoped to provide treatments for neural regeneration, stroke, heart disease, and tissue damage, among many others.