Sickle Cell Disease: The Sickle Shape Illuminated

                Sickle cell disease is a disorder that affects a person’s red blood cells (erythrocytes). Sickle cell is a red blood cell that does not have the appearance of a normal, healthy red blood cell. Abnormal hemoglobin molecules (the molecules inside of erythrocytes that carry oxygen) of people who suffer from sickle cell disease cause the characteristic crescent moon shape seen in their erythrocytes. The abnormal shape of sickle cells tends to form blockages in the blood vessels, which in turn halts oxygen from traveling to the affected tissues. Also, the abnormal hemoglobin forms fibers causing stiffness, which makes them stick together and does not allow for the normal, free mobility that normal red blood cells have.

                Dr. Frank Ferrone, from Drexel University in Philadelphia, and Dr. Yihua Wang, from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, along with many other researchers came up with an extraordinary discovery on sickle cells and why they stick together in sickle cell disease. The researchers experimented with different techniques involving light scattering, and they found that light rays are drastically affected by the arrangement of the hemoglobin fibers that form in sickled red blood cells. They found that areas of the hemoglobin molecules that should repel each other instead stick together resulting in the abnormal shape. The light patterns are reflecting on how the fibers are arranged and what causes sickle cell disease. Their discovery on how they can use light to determine how the fibers were arranged made it possible to compare and contrast sickle cells vs. normal red blood cells. 

This research has brought insight into the formation of the fibers in the sickle cells and it can further research on how to correct the abnormal fibers. What the researchers have discovered can lead to future cures using drugs that can possibly alter and change what is the source of the issue involving the fibers. The experiment gives insight to the researchers because they were able to study the structures of sickle cells based on how the light refracted. They were also able to determine how the abnormal shape leads to the abnormal formation of the fibers in these sickle cells. It is incredible how they were able to use light as a source to determine the difference in the structure of hemoglobin fibers in sickle cells in comparison to the fibers in normal, healthy hemoglobin. This research can greatly impact those that suffer from sickle cell disease by possibly finding a cure, and also giving answers to questions that have been wondered about.

The Effects of Childhood Poverty on Brain Development

There are many aspects in the human body that are affected by childhood poverty, and brain development happens to be one of the many. Jama Pediatrics explains that learning disabilities, depression, and the inability to cope with stress are all results of childhood poverty. In fact, researchers from the University Of Washington School Of Medicine did a study on the effect that childhood poverty has on brain development and the results were shocking. The results that the researchers found were astonishing simply because of the huge effect that poverty withholds on the development of the brain.

According to Honor Whiteman in Medical News Today, Researchers located at the University Of Washington School Of Medicine researched the effects that childhood poverty has on brain development. They discovered not only fascinating results, but they also found a cure for the brain development deficiencies that childhood poverty brings about. Researchers at the University discovered that learning disabilities, depression, and the inability to cope with stress are all symptoms that may uncover from insufficient brain development. All of these cases are caused by the lack of nurturing that the parents or guardians perform on their children. In order to come up with each discovery, an MRI was performed on one hundred and forty-five children that happened to be a part of a Preschool Depression Study between the ages of six and twelve. Portions of the one hundred and forty-five children were healthy normal children, while others suffered from different illnesses such as depression and ADHD. The research study was done by placing children and their parents/guardians in a clinic. While in the designated waiting area in the office, the child was given a gift-wrapped box, and the parent/guardian was given paperwork to complete. The child was told that the gift could not be opened until their personal caregiver had completed the necessary paperwork. The true research was how well the caregiver coped with the whining child that is wanting so very badly to open up the gift the gift they had been given. The researchers claimed that the caregivers that seemed stressed and less able to nurture their whining child were the ones that showed signs of living in poverty. According to the research, children who were living in poverty with caregivers that could not properly nurture their child showed signs of having less white and grey matter than those who were not living in poverty. In addition, the MRI scans that were taken showed that parts of the brain such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus where exceptionally smaller in children living in poverty versus children who were far more better off.

It is evident that there are several things that effect brain development, and childhood poverty is one of them. It is important to know and understand all of the different ways of life that can affect human development, especially when it comes to the brain. It is especially important to know not only so that people can try to change it, but also so that people can be aware of the effects that childhood poverty has on the brain. Once there is a sense of awareness among people that is when change has the ability to take place.

“The Effects of Poverty on Childhood Brain Development.” Jama Pediatrics. 28 Oct. 2013. Web.

1 Dec. 2013.

Whiteman, Honor. “Childhood Poverty Affects Brain Development.” MNT. 29 Oct. 2013. Web.

The Ins and Outs of Massaging

Massaging, what people both young and old know to be a perfect stress reliever and muscle relaxer. Massages can relax tense muscle tissue by improving blood and lymph circulation, helping to bring nutrients to, and take waste products away from, our aching muscles.  Massages are capable of causing changes in your body that can alter the physiological aspects of how your body is structured.

By receiving a massage, that puts your body in the position of changing. These changes can occur in responses, the relaxation and mechanical response. The relaxation response is involuntary and it may occur when someone lightly touches you in a gentle fashion, making you feel relaxed. As studies are currently showing, the relaxation response is responsible for maintaining stable and slow heart and breathing rates, a decrease in blood pressure, an increase of serotonin levels, and a decrease in hormones produced during stress, while also relaxing your muscles.  The second response is the mechanical response, which is what provides alternative sources for blood and lymph circulation along with the relaxation of all the many muscle tissues in your body. Through massaging, your muscle tissues have the opportunity to improve function, which comes from nutrients and oxygen being transported to the muscle cells and wastes being transported away from them.   Swelling, muscle cramps, and spasms that may occur in your muscles all have the opportunity of diminishing during a mechanical response. Massaging can also potentially reduce nerve compression, which positively affects your muscles and organs. Massaging can bring about plenty of positive changes for the muscles and other parts of your body, which is crucial to a long, healthy life.

Let’s face it, there have been times in all of our lives where we longed for a massage to relieve us from the tension, cramps, and aches that were nestled within our muscles. Having a knowledge of the positive effects that the massaging on your body has can lead to a longer span of healthiness for your body. Knowing the encouraging facts about the outcome for frequent massaging on the body is a necessary element of knowledge for the up-keep of our bodies.


Cicetti, Fred. Do Massages Do Anything Besides Relax You? 16 Aug. 2011. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

University of Minnesota. How Does Massage Work? 3 July. 2013. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.




A Look into the Treatment of Burns: Hydrotherapy

The article, “Hydrotherapy for Burns,” touches on the treatment of hydrotherapy and how it can positively affect burn victims. Hydrotherapy is externally treating burns by using water. Hydrotherapy promotes healing by softening and removing the dead tissue and enabling new, healthy tissue to form. Although hydrotherapy can be immensely painful, it is a reassuring thought to know that a natural element such as water can play such a huge part in the treatment and healing of burns.

“Hydrotherapy for Burns” touched on the treatment of hydrotherapy in several aspects. Not only is hydrotherapy used in regular households when one runs water over a burn, but some hospitals practice it as well by having a room dedicated to hydrotherapy. Burn patients in hospitals usually receive hydrotherapy on a daily basis, and treatment begins immediately after a day or two of burn recovery and shock. The patient can either go through hydrotherapy immersion, or shower hydrotherapy. Warm, running water with an addition of antiseptics that are optional to help treat the burns will be what is used for hydrotherapy. Pain medications and general anesthetics will be given to relieve the pain that hydrotherapy brings. Physical therapy is used because if they are able, they are told to engage in movements that will get them involved with the session. When patients get engaged with the session, more comfort, less pain, and a better healing outcome is experienced. As one can tell, burns are an extremely serious accident that can be extremely harmful and deadly if not treated properly, and hydrotherapy is one way to get a patient back on track to healthy healing.

Burns are an extremely serious matter that people need to have the knowledge on. A burn can happen to anyone in the blink of an eye, so knowing how a burn can be helped and treated is an important aspect of knowledge that every individual should obtain. Hydrotherapy should be a piece of information that is instilled in everyone simply because burns are so common. Options for treating burns should be known to everyone.


Burns. Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters. 2013. Web. 6 October 6, 2013.

Hydrotherapy for Burns. 2013. Web. 3 October 2013.

Molecular Changes in Cancer Cells One Destination at a Time

The article, “New Evidence that Cancer Cells Change While Moving throughout the Body” gives an explanation on the drastic changes that occur in cancer cells. The National Cancer Institute gives us a vivid and accurate definition of what exactly cancer is by explaining that cancer cells are abnormal cells that divide without control, and they eventually invade tissues. Unfortunately, it is well known that cancer cells are not stationary to a certain region of the body. If the cells are not caught at an early stage, they will freely move to other areas of the body. This can be extremely harmful to cancer patients because their condition has a chance of worsening instead of improving. Metastasis, which according to the article, “New Evidence that Cancer Cells Change While Moving Throughout the Body,” is the spread of cancer cells from the primary tumor to secondary locations throughout the body. Metastasis is being researched and experimented on by scientists at Georgia Tech to learn more about the habits of these busy cells so that more cures can be made.

The article about Georgia Tech’s recent findings then goes on to tell about how a cell begins to molecularly change as it leaves its first destination and travels to the ones thereafter in the body. The proper name for the ways of these cells is EMT, or epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Unfortunately, as these cells travel more and more, they leave behind the ability to work with chemotherapy because of their new being. From a macroscopic level, the changes are not visible; however, when viewed more closely, one will see that the molecular aspect has definite signs of change. According to the article, careful research shows that doctors should not only prescribe their cancer patients with medications that will kill cancer cells, but also medications that will put a stop to the cells that travel throughout the body. Because it is now known that these cells on the move are not working hand-in-hand with chemotherapy, scientists and researchers are having to develop a more up to date version of chemotherapy that will fight against these resistant cells.

The topic I chose is one that can relate to most likely any individual in one way or another. I say this because almost everyone has a loved one battling cancer or knows of someone who is battling it. It is important to have an understanding of how things work, cancer cells particularly. Reading and writing on this topic gave me a clearer understanding of how cancer cells develop. Because of this, I know it will provide others with the same knowledge and understanding that it provided me.


New Evidence that Cancer Cells Change While Moving throughout Body. Georgia Tech., 12    Aug. 2013. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.

What is Cancer? National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health., 08 Feb. 2013. Web. 12. Sept. 2013.