New Hormone Treatment for Women

The average female is born with two small sex organs called ovaries.  They are located in the pelvic area on either side of the body.  These small organs produce many hormones that allow females to function and grow properly such as estrogens and progesterone.  They also allow for pregnancy (Tortora).  However, sometimes the ovaries don’t do the jobs they are assigned.  This usually happens as women age into their forties, but it can happen before then if complications arise (Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center).  So, if these organs are so important, then how do we fix the problem of hormones going crazy in individuals?

A team from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center has been conducting research to find a way to substitute estrogen and progesterone in aging women.   Their main goal is to find a safer way other than drugs, which can cause health problems when used long termed, to replace sex hormones. The research began with the use of 21-day-old rats.  The team took two types of ovarian cells and placed them inside a sac of tissue that resembles the rats’ body tissue.  The sac allows for growth new working cells that will replace old nonworking cells.  The tissue allowed for the new cells to not be rejected. It took many attempts of rearranging the different cells until the right amount of sex hormones were being produced.  This may seem like just another experiment, but it is a giant leap for medicine because… (Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center).

The Wake Forest team has come one step closer to help reduce the use of hormone drugs in women who have lost the ability to produce sex hormones.  The team is now in the process of studying other animals’ body tissues in order to find the perfect combination for humans (Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center).  This discovery has given a glimpse of hope for women who are dealing with these issues.  It has been an improvement in the medical field because the plan is for it to cut back on health problems caused by the use of hormone drugs.


Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. “Functional ovarian tissue engineered in lab.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 26 March 2013. <>.

Finding a New Route For Treatment

The blood-brain barrier is a major component in protecting our central nervous system from harmful substances.  It is composed a tight sealed junction of the capillaries in the brain along with a thick basement membrane. This barrier only allows certain substances through to the brain.  Some water-soluble substance pass through it very easily, and some substances cross through slowly.  On the other hand, substances such as antibiotics are not allowed to cross the blood-brain barrier (Tortora). This makes it difficult to treat central nervous disorders.  The medical community has been puzzled after many different attempts to get antibiotics across the barrier.  So, what is the best route to solve this problem?

Researchers from Harvard Medical School and Boston University have been working on a study to solve this difficult problem.  The researchers have realized the lining of the nasal cavity is the best way to get medication directly to the central nervous system. First, they constructed an animal model to evaluate their possible technique.  They realized that this method is able to send particles to the brain that are a thousand times larger than the particles that the blood-brain barrier lets through (Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary).

The discovery that these researchers have made has a major impact on the medical community. The future, hopefully, holds a set of clinical trials for this method. This method could help many of the 20 million people who suffer from central nervous system diseases (Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary).  The research of this method serves as a beacon of light for those surviving and their families.




Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (2013, April 24). Nasal lining used to breach blood/brain barrier. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 30, 2013, from­ /releases/2013/04/130424185207.htm


Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

Cancer Cachexia Affecting Muscles

Muscles are an essential part of the human body that are responsible for many things such as movement, posture, protection of internal organs, and insulation.  The human body does not have the ability to function without this very important tissue.  Therefore, the body needs the ability to repair muscle fibers when they become damaged.  This is done through the process of hyperplasia, cell division of any adult cell. If this process cannot occur, then it becomes a critical emergency for the body (Tortora).  So, what can prevent hyperplasia?

In a study conduct by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, they closely observed the cells used during hyperplasia, satellite cells.  The cells were viewed from a body that contained cancer and from animal models.  During certain types of cancers, substances are released into the blood stream by the tumor or main cancer area.   These substances prevent muscle fibers from repairing themselves which is called cancer cachexia.

Cancer cachexia causes a loss of muscle and body weight which can lead to death.  The article states, that about twenty-five percent of cancer related deaths are due to cancer cachexia. (Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center).  During this process, satellite cells are present and active, but the substances from the tumor prevent the cells from doing their job.  However, there is no known cure for this disorder. So, how does it affect the medical community and world?

The study has helped the medical community and patients understand the process of muscle degeneration during cancer cachexia.  Dr. Guttridge said, that finding the agents that cause cancer cachexia presents possibility of restoring muscle mass and better a person’s quality of life.( Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center). This study is the first one to show that things outside the muscles can affect hyperplasia. In conclusion, this information has placed us in the right direction for the future.


Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (2013, October 23). Cancer wasting due in part to tumor factors that block muscle repair, study shows. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 1, 2013, from­ /releases/2013/10/131023153742.htm

Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

Vitamin D in Infants

Healthy bone growth is a necessity for maintaining homeostasis in the human body.  The skeletal system protects, supports, and aids movement of the body.  However, humans are not born with healthy, hard bones.  As infants, we are born with cartilage and soft bones in the place of many of our adult bones.  The bones grow and harden as the infant grows older.  They do this through the synthesis of vitamin D.

As adults, most of the vitamin D that is synthesized comes from direct sunlight.  This is why doctors recommended we get fifteen minutes of sun exposure a day.  On the other hand, infants cannot withstand much direct sunlight.  They often require supplements of vitamin D in order to help the growth of healthy bones.  So, what is a healthy amount of vitamin D for an infant?

A study was conducted by School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at McGill University along with the Department of Pediatrics to find the perfect amount of vitamin D supplement needed for the growth of healthy bone.  Many countries have recommended amounts, but all the amounts differ.  The study consisted of132 infants.  The infants were randomly assigned to groups receiving different doses of vitamin D ranging from 400 IU per day to 1600 IU per day.  This was done over a 12 month period.

The infants’ growth was measured over the course of these 12 months.  However, at 3 months, the infants who received more than 400 IU per day showed no difference in growth than the ones receiving 400 IU.  The study concluded that infants only need 400 IU of vitamin D per day in order to grow healthy. The extra amounts do not provide any extra help to the infants.

The study has set a base of knowledge for future and current parents.  This knowledge will ease the parents’ minds while also growing healthy bones in their children.  Infants can still grow healthy bones without the extra vitamin D.  Therefore, this study disproved the statement “more is better” when it comes to the growth of bones in our little ones.



McGill University (2013, April 30). The right amount of vitamin D for babies: 400 IU daily dose for suggested for infants under one year of age. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 6, 2013, from­ /releases/2013/04/130430194039.htm

Cause of Ehlers- Danlos Syndrome

Connective tissues are responsible for many everyday functions and also for protection of internal structures.  It is the most abundant type of tissue found in the human body.  Connective tissue has a high rate of healing when the damage is considered small (Tortora). However, not all connective damage can be easily fixed. It can be damaged by genetic disorders, or diseases acquired later in life.  Some of these disorders may be harmful or even deadly such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The real question at hand is, what causes diseases like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?

In a study, researchers have found a gene that may answer this question about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (RIKEN). Ehlers-Danlos syndrome affects many areas of connective tissues such as the blood vessels and joints.  It can cause blood vessels and intestines linings to explode or tear.  This syndrome is genetically passed down from generations (Mayo). Studies found that B3GALT6 mutations can cause this syndrome. B3GALT6 is a gene that helps encodes for enzymes.  The researchers came to the conclusion that a B3GALT6 is a requirement for the growth and development of connective tissues.  In addition, it was found that this affects ligaments, bones, and many more internal areas (RIKEN).

The research has not provided a cure for this harmful disorder of connective tissue.  However, this study has placed science in the right direction for cures.  This study will help individuals and his/her families be able to cope with the disorder.  On a brighter note, the science community can build upon this discovery to find the cure for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.


Mayo Clinic Staff, . “Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.” Mayo Clinic. 2013. Web. 12 Sept. 2013. <>.

RIKEN. “Gene identified, responsible for a spectrum of disorders affecting the bones and connective tissue.” ScienceDaily, 9 May 2013. Web. 12 Sep. 2013.

Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons