Ultrasounds (sonagrams) are one of the many types of medical imaging techniques. This type of medical imaging involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to scan specific areas of the body such as the chest and abdomen. Because they are invasive and painless, ultrasounds are commonly used on pregnant women to see and identify the sex of their unborn child.
According to Rober Mattews, this seemingly “safe” type of medical imaging is possibly causing subtle brain damage to unborn fetuses. Subtle brain damage “can cause people who should be genetically right handed to become left handed.” (Mattews 3) People with subtle brain damage “face a higher risk of having learning difficulties and epilsey.” (Mattews 3) Researchers have found that mothers that had ultrasounds done to them in the 1970’s gave birth to males that were left hand although gentically, they were meant to be right handed, thus indicating brain damage in the womb. ” A team of Swedish scientist found that men whose mothers had ultrasound scans in the 70’s were significantly more likely to be left handed than normal, pointing to a higher rate if brain damage while in the womb.” (Mattews 5)
Ultrasound scanning is ultimately harming the human race due to the fact that it is messing with our gentic make-up. The fact is that it is causing innocent people to be born with defects such as epilespy, all because their mothers wanted to make sure they were healthy while in the womb. This is outragous and uncalled for. Scientist NEED to develop a safer form of ultrasound imaging. By developing a safer form of ultrasounds, the possbility of a fetus developing subtle brain damage due to medical imaging technolgy will be lowered.
Mattews, Rober. “Ultrasound Scans Linked to Brain Damage in Babies.” Mercola.com. 19 Dec. 2001. 6 Sept. 2012 http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2001/12/19/ultrasound.aspx.