Adult Brain development

The brain can still develop even after adolescense. Adults need to enhance thier plasticity. Plasicity is when you are able to adapt to new experiences. Being able to adapt to a new and different environment is a social and survival skills that everyone has to have. Being a adult means that life is constantly changing, you have to adapt to having children being married and new jobs. New findings on the adult brain establish two principles. First, the adult brain continues to grow and develop throughout our entire life. Second, brain development in adulthood is shaped mostly by outside stimuli. This new thinking means that we can do healthy “workouts” for our brains, as well as our bodies!

There are games like soduko and lumosity for example. Having new expereincese is the best thing you can do for your brain. Everytime you learn something new your brain creates new pathways. The brain and body are connected and exercise is good for the both of them. The brain increases new cell growth and mental abilities  20-30% from the stimulation of exercise. Our brains can not function properly without sleep. We all need 8 hours of sleep a night so that our brains will function properly. A diet of fruits and vegetable along with plent of water will benefit the brain and body and help everyone function better.


Sources: J. Tortora, Gerald, and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken NJ, USA  2012.

“The Adult Brain.” Brain Institute Oregan Health and Science University OHSU is an equal opportunity affirmative action institution 2001-2013.

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