I’ve always heard of the word “GERD”, but I never knew what it was. GERD is gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as heart burn. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach contents leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus. The reason it is called heart burn is because when stomach acid, hydrochloric acid, comes back up, it causes a burning sensation near the heart. Drinking alcohol and smoking increase the problem making the symptoms a lot worse. If you have acid reflux, you should avoid foods that stimulate stomach acid like tomatoes, onions, orange juice, chocolate, coffee, and fatty foods. There are medications you can take that cut down on the severity of the burning sensation. You can take Pepcid or Pepto-Bismol an hour before eating to block the acid coming back up. You are less likely to have severe acid reflux if you eat foods in smaller amounts and if you don’t lie down after eating. This could also have something to do with cancer of the esophagus (Totora).
Millions of people suffer from acid reflux, especially people over forty years of age. You may notice heartburn, sore throat, chest pains, or coughing; these are all symptoms of GERD. In this study, surgeons use a device to cut down the acid reflux a person has. They take a small, circular beaded ring and apply it directly above the stomach, relaxing the sphincters allowing the food to pass through, but then closing when food it gone. After the procedure, patients can return back to normal eating and daily routines in about a week. With the procedure, it cuts down on medication taken and can be more beneficial than other surgeries. Surgeons only recommend this procedure be done if you have chronic acid reflux. The LINX device has been approved by FDA and has been tested on over 400 people. Ninety percent of the people who have had this procedure have had the amount of reflux decrease (Science Daily).
I feel that this is a good procedure that could be beneficial to a lot of people, especially with severe heartburn. I chose this topic and article because my mother has really bad acid reflux and the doctors have put her on several medications, like Omeprazole, and none of them help. Seeing all of the positive outcomes of this procedure, I would definitely recommend it. I don’t think people realize that heartburn is a serious matter that needs medical attention. If you go so long without attention, it could lead to way worse.
Stony Brook University. “Implantable magnetic ‘bracelet’ brings relief to GERD sufferers.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 February 2014. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140227163835.htm>.
Totora, Gerard J., And Derrickson, Bryan. Principals of Anatomy & Physiology. 13th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014. Print.