Kleine Levin Syndrome “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome”

Kleine Levin Syndrome “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome”

Kleine Levin Syndrome also called “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome” is a very rare disorder. The disorder is common in young adolescents, especially in males. The disorder is said to be a malfunction occurring in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is in the brain that controls many of the body functions such as appetite, thirst, sleep and also a role in controlling emotions. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke have done much research on trying to understand the disorder an come up with treatment plans.

Kleine Levin Syndrome is rare sleeping disorder that effects approximately 70 percent of male adolescents. With this disorder one will need excessive amounts of sleep up to 20 hours a day, have excessive food intake and behavioral changes such as abnormally uninhibited sexual drive. Those effected by this condition usually have very childlike behavior. The episode of sleep may last for days or even weeks. A person will awake an may have no reelection of what occurred during the episode. A person with this disorder may see a decrease in episode after about 8 to 12 years. There is no cure for this rare condition yet. There was a report on ABC News that did coverage on this rare condition. ABC News reported that there had only been 1,000 reported case in the whole world.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke are still trying to find a treatment for those effected by the condition of Kleine Levin Syndrome. WIth the syndrome being so rare there is not a big testing group. This condition would be horrible to live with knowing there is no treatment out there yet for it and no way of controlling when an episode will occur. Those effected by this loose a great deal of time in their life  spending most of it sleeping an in a trance like state.

Kethanne K. Colich

Tortora, Gerard J and Derrickson, Bryan. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. 13th. 2011.Print.


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