Mononucleosis Vaccination Possibility

The Epstein-Barr Virus causes infectious mononucleosis, also commonly known as “mono”. Mono is a contagious disease that is most often found in children and young adults, and it is common to be spread by intimate oral contact, which gives it its name the “kissing disease”. The B cells are the primary host cells for this virus, which are infected by the multiplication of the EBV in lymphatic tissues that then moves into the blood. The B cells appearance changes to the point that they resemble a monocyte. If one was to look at the infected B cells, they would notice that they have become enlarged and abnormal. The virus increases the white blood cell count by a high percentage of lymphocytes. There are many signs and symptoms, such as fatigue, headache, dizziness, sore throat, enlarged and tender lymph nodes, and fever. No cure has been found to cure mono, but there has been research done on young killer cells that protect against the infectious disease.

            According to an article I read about young killer cells protection against mono, it is common for people to be carriers of the Epstein-Barr Virus. However, some people are not carriers, and the age one becomes infected with this virus can determine one’s illness. For instance, the article mentions that, as an adult, getting infected will more likely cause them to become ill, whereas, a child who is infected is less likely to become ill because of his innate immune system. This is because, according to immunologists from the University of Zurich, young natural killer cells fight off the infectious disease, and children’s innate immune system has an abundance of these young natural killer cells. This means that adolescents and adults who do not have these young natural killer cells are more likely to get infected and become ill. However, this group from the University of Zurich is working on finding a vaccination that could protect people from getting infected by this disease.

If they find a vaccination that keeps more people from getting EBV who can’t fight it off because they don’t have the young natural killer cells, it will reduce healthcare costs and work loss for the one at risk of getting ill. If one gets infected, not only do they have to pay for the care given to them by their doctor or whoever they see, but also they lose time at work. This will cause a problem with them being able to not only pay for personal necessities but also their Healthcare. As a whole society, Healthcare costs increases everybody’s insurance costs, and work loss costs everyone involved in productivity and sick time, whether it is short term disability, long term disability, or elderly care if they do become disabled. Therefore, if a vaccination is found, it can tremendously help with the costs of Healthcare and work loss for individuals or society as a whole.



Tortora, Gerard J and Derrickson, Bryan. Princciples of Anatomy and Physiology 13th     Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011. 30 Jan. 2014.

University of Zurich. “Young killer cells protect against infectious mononucleosis.”         ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 December 2013.           <>.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

We have all seen the commercials with the infants that are coughing hysterically due to RSV. But, do we actually even know what RSV is. Newborn babies have immature immune systems which can cause infections of the lungs and breathing passages. RSV is a major cause of respiratory illness in young children. RSV is highly contagious and usually spread through coughing and sneezing. RSV if severe, can lead to bronchiolitis or pneumonia. RSV has estimated to cause over 14,000 deaths yearly in the United States.

Barney Graham and his colleagues at US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases are researching the early immune system in order to develop effective vaccines for newborns to infants. Graham and colleagues studied the behavior of these lung dendritic cells in newborn mice and compared it with that in older animals. They learned that the younger the child is the more likely the RSV infection will make intense changes. Also dendritic cells from newborns take up, digest, and present parts of an intruding virus to other immune cells, which is different than it is among adults. This is why adults do not usually get RSV.

Preventing and treating RSV, can be fairly easy. Using hand sanitizer before handling a small child can reduce the chance of the child contracting RSV. Parents should allow time for recovery if the child has contacted RSV. Also, give the child plenty of fluids. If the infant is at risk for RSV, they can be given a monthly injection of medication consisting of RSV antibodies during peak RSV season, which is November through April. You should call the doctor if your child has had thick nasal discharge, high fever, worsening cough, signs of dehydration, or trouble breathing.

Heather Mundlin


A Link Between Heartburn and Esophageal Cancer: What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a condition that nearly 60 million adults in the United States alone suffer from. It is a very common condition that attacks generally without warning. Some of its varied causes include, but are not limited to: pregnancy, large meals, eating habits, bending forward, peptic ulcers, and many other causes (Lifespan). Drinking and smoking also cause the sphincters of the esophagus to relax and worsen the problem (Tortora). It has been discovered in the past that only a small percentage of those patients who suffer from heartburn will develop Barrett’s esophagus. Barrett’s esophagus is a condition that is caused by the cells of the lower esophagus becoming damaged. These cells are damaged by repeated exposure to gastric juices and stomach acid (Lifespan).

These few percentiles of patients who suffer from heartburn that are later diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus have now been found to have a higher risk of developing esophageal cancer. Although this is bad news, surprisingly good news has also been found. This link between esophagus cancer and heartburn can be blocked by total suppression of stomach acid, a job that can be done with a proton pump inhibitor, such as omeprazole (Lifespan). Omeprazole’s job in the body is to decrease the amount of acid produced in the stomach, that way less acid travels into the esophagus. Omeprazole is not only used as a daily medication to decrease acid produced, it also promotes healing of the esophageal damage caused by stomach acid (What).

This is good news for people who suffer from heartburn and those who have had a diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus. These over-the-counter and prescription-given proton pump inhibitors, like omeprazole, could greatly reduce the risk of esophageal cancer. This gives hope to patients who suffer from Barrett’s esophagus, because the proton pump inhibitors could bring healing to the esophagus. This is good news for families everywhere, and a discovery that could lower the risk of esophageal cancer for the patients that are most at risk.


Lifespan. “Pathway uncovered linking heartburn, esophageal cancer.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 October 2013. <>.


Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons


“What is omeprazole?.” Drugs.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. <>.

One Simple Way to Relieve Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

I’ve always heard of the word “GERD”, but I never knew what it was. GERD is gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as heart burn. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach contents leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus. The reason it is called heart burn is because when stomach acid, hydrochloric acid, comes back up, it causes a burning sensation near the heart. Drinking alcohol and smoking increase the problem making the symptoms a lot worse. If you have acid reflux, you should avoid foods that stimulate stomach acid like tomatoes, onions, orange juice, chocolate, coffee, and fatty foods. There are medications you can take that cut down on the severity of the burning sensation. You can take Pepcid or Pepto-Bismol an hour before eating to block the acid coming back up. You are less likely to have severe acid reflux if you eat foods in smaller amounts and if you don’t lie down after eating.  This could also have something to do with cancer of the esophagus (Totora).

Millions of people suffer from acid reflux, especially people over forty years of age. You may notice heartburn, sore throat, chest pains, or coughing; these are all symptoms of GERD. In this study, surgeons use a device to cut down the acid reflux a person has. They take a small, circular beaded ring and apply it directly above the stomach, relaxing the sphincters allowing the food to pass through, but then closing when food it gone. After the procedure, patients can return back to normal eating and daily routines in about a week. With the procedure, it cuts down on medication taken and can be more beneficial than other surgeries. Surgeons only recommend this procedure be done if you have chronic acid reflux.  The LINX device has been approved by FDA and has been tested on over 400 people. Ninety percent of the people who have had this procedure have had the amount of reflux decrease (Science Daily).

I feel that this is a good procedure that could be beneficial to a lot of people, especially with severe heartburn. I chose this topic and article because my mother has really bad acid reflux and the doctors have put her on several medications, like Omeprazole, and none of them help. Seeing all of the positive outcomes of this procedure, I would definitely recommend it. I don’t think people realize that heartburn is a serious matter that needs medical attention. If you go so long without attention, it could lead to way worse.


Stony Brook University. “Implantable magnetic ‘bracelet’ brings relief to GERD sufferers.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 February 2014. <>.


Totora, Gerard J., And Derrickson, Bryan. Principals of Anatomy & Physiology. 13th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014. Print.

Pigs Host Human Stem Cells

One of the major obstacles of transplants or grafts is whether the host will reject it. That obstacle seems to have been overcome by genetically-modified pigs that are able to host transplant cells without rejection. This break through is because of stem cells. Stem cells are precusor cells that divide and produce cells that undergo differentiation. These cells are what give rise to any of the specialized cells found in an organism.

Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia, have introduced human stem cells into pigs. These genetically-modified pigs were able to accept the transplant because they were created with immune systems that were able to accept any transplant or graft. Thus, they showed no signs of rejection. This is an important achievement for science because stem cell research can now be done without the fear of rejection.

This is also a great achievement because the anatomy of pigs are very closely related to human anatomy; thus, the results of experiments performed on these genetically modified pigs will relate closely to what would be achieved in humans. This kind of feat will help increase stem cell research and more money will be alloted towards the advancements of this kind of research. Overall, this is a great accomplishment because it will create treatment options for many human diseases that can be treated with the help of stem cells.


2) Anatomy and Physiology class lecture text


New Hopes for Medical Treatment

One of the basic life processes of living things, differentiation, is the unique ability of cells to divide and create new cells that have a specialized structure. These cells are known as stem cells. I am sure many of you have heard in recent news that stem cells are a much debated topic that has exposed new research from scientists and doctors around the world. Within the past year, new medical evidence has been discovered in fat cells via the procedure liposuction. Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles have discovered a new pluripotent stem cell that has properties different than other previously discovered stem cells; Multi-lineage Stress-Enduring (Muse-AT cells) that can thrive in harsh conditions.

Muse- AT cells are in fat cells that can be found in every human being. These cells are exceptionally resilient and survive and function in high stress situations. Muse-AT cells remain dormant until they come in contact with harsh environments. It has been discovered that these cells are only active in these harsh conditions. This is important because they can live in environments that we thought up until now only cancer cells could survive in. After a liposuction procedure, these stem cells located directly in the fat being targeted, become active in mending and repairing tissues and can move and respond to other areas as well. This surgery provides a great environment for the stem cells to become active. Muse-AT cells were discovered during a liposuction procedure, but the two are not related. These stem cells can be harvested easily from the body during common operations. One would not have to undergo liposuction in order to receive the benefits from the cells.

While much more research is still needed to fully understand these cells, scientists are hopeful that they could provide treatments and cures for diseases. The hope is that these Muse-AT cells could rebuild damaged areas to where they could function properly again. A main benefit of these cells over other stem cells is that they have not been shown to form tumors in the animals they have been tested in, whereas use of other stem cells often leads to tumors. Muse- AT cells are hoped to provide treatments for neural regeneration, stroke, heart disease, and tissue damage, among many others.