Meniere’s Disease: The First Step Towards the Right Direction.

Meniere’s disease is a very aggressive disorder that affects our organs of audition (hearing) and equilibrium, the cochlea (contains the organ of corti, and produces nerve impulses from the vibrations of sounds) and vestibule of the inner ear, respectively. Persons suffering from Meniere’s disease will have symptoms such as attacks of dizziness (vertigo), ringing of the ears (tinnitus), and hearing loss. This happens because the amount of fluid, endolymph, in the labyrinth increases which increases pressure on the delicate organs of the inner ear. Meniere’s disease can happen at any age but is most common in older adults between the ages of 40-60 years old. This disease usually only effects one ear and over a period of several years can cause deafness.

There are cochlear implants to replace lost hearing that results from inner ear damage, however, for people who suffer with balance disorders, there has not been any treatments. Christopher Phillips and his colleagues from the University of Washington developed a vestibular prosthesis that will give an electrical stimulation in the semi-circular canals’ fluid of the ear. When this happens the fluid manipulates the brain into thinking the body is swaying or moving in a particular direction. When the brain is tricked it causes a compensatory postural reflex that will stabilize the body posture which helps to restore balance and stop the dizzy feeling.

This discovery is actually pretty cool and cleaver by manipulating the brain. This is clearly a first step into finding a cure or way to help with a balance disorder resulting from an inner ear disease. It will help people who suffer from this disease recover their balance and be able to function in daily life properly. I am sure that the people who suffer from this disease is very thrilled that there may be a stop to their complications.

  2. A&P class lecture text

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