The Aging of Skin

Aging of skin is a consideration for many reasons. The aging process makes skin less elastic with decreased ability to heal. The skin is the body’s first line of defense and is vitally important to good health. Damage to the skin over the years is irreversible for the most part. Good skin care and damage prevention is the best defense against skin loss. Sun exposure is one of the main culprits in skin damage. It also is the main cause of melanoma skin cancer. Wrinkles can be lessened by the use of injectable botulinum toxin. This is only one of many aesthetic processes to try to hide aging. Damaged skin with actual loss of skin tissue and wound formation can be treated with a process called platelet gel.

According to the French Cancer and Aging Research Institute a gene possibly responsible for the changes in aging skin may be removable, thus halting the aging damage to skin. Damaged skin is more likely to develop wounds from a variety of injuries, surgeries, or trauma. Skin wounds provide a source for bacteria to grow. A procedure using a patient’s platelets in a gel form is one procedure that can promote wound healing and advance the production of new skin over wounds.  Another step to reducing the aging of skin is to avoid the sun. Protective clothing and diligent use of sunscreen are two methods to prevent sun damage and reduce the risk of malignant melanoma. Dermatologists recommend education of society about the warning signs of melanoma for early recognition and diagnosis. They suggest regular skin inspection for any visible changes to the skin. Malignant melanoma is a deadly form of cancer, and knowledge with proactive inspections can increase survival by rapid intervention and treatment.

Skin aging prevention, if possible, will assist people in maintaining healthy skin to protect the body. Aesthetic procedures, including the injection of bacteria into the skin to look less wrinkled, are popular among those trying to remain more youthful in appearance. Ultimately, the goal should be healthy skin.  Healthier skin is less apt to develop wounds that create routes for infection into the body. Platelet gel is one method of treating wounds in patients. Healing is altered by many factors including disease processes and mobility. Any enhancement to wound healing is beneficial to society in shorter healing time and complications including costs. Early melanoma detection is vital in reducing deaths in society. This step of skin inspection and knowledge of signs to discuss with one’s doctor will make a major contribution to the health of society.—p/melanoma

“Keeping skin youthful: Skin aging regulator identified.” ScienceDaily, 22 Jan. 2013. Web. 6 Oct. 2013.

Tortora, Gerard J and Derrickson, Bryan. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 13th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011. 13 Sep. 2013.

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