Molecular Changes in Cancer Cells One Destination at a Time

The article, “New Evidence that Cancer Cells Change While Moving throughout the Body” gives an explanation on the drastic changes that occur in cancer cells. The National Cancer Institute gives us a vivid and accurate definition of what exactly cancer is by explaining that cancer cells are abnormal cells that divide without control, and they eventually invade tissues. Unfortunately, it is well known that cancer cells are not stationary to a certain region of the body. If the cells are not caught at an early stage, they will freely move to other areas of the body. This can be extremely harmful to cancer patients because their condition has a chance of worsening instead of improving. Metastasis, which according to the article, “New Evidence that Cancer Cells Change While Moving Throughout the Body,” is the spread of cancer cells from the primary tumor to secondary locations throughout the body. Metastasis is being researched and experimented on by scientists at Georgia Tech to learn more about the habits of these busy cells so that more cures can be made.

The article about Georgia Tech’s recent findings then goes on to tell about how a cell begins to molecularly change as it leaves its first destination and travels to the ones thereafter in the body. The proper name for the ways of these cells is EMT, or epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Unfortunately, as these cells travel more and more, they leave behind the ability to work with chemotherapy because of their new being. From a macroscopic level, the changes are not visible; however, when viewed more closely, one will see that the molecular aspect has definite signs of change. According to the article, careful research shows that doctors should not only prescribe their cancer patients with medications that will kill cancer cells, but also medications that will put a stop to the cells that travel throughout the body. Because it is now known that these cells on the move are not working hand-in-hand with chemotherapy, scientists and researchers are having to develop a more up to date version of chemotherapy that will fight against these resistant cells.

The topic I chose is one that can relate to most likely any individual in one way or another. I say this because almost everyone has a loved one battling cancer or knows of someone who is battling it. It is important to have an understanding of how things work, cancer cells particularly. Reading and writing on this topic gave me a clearer understanding of how cancer cells develop. Because of this, I know it will provide others with the same knowledge and understanding that it provided me.


New Evidence that Cancer Cells Change While Moving throughout Body. Georgia Tech., 12    Aug. 2013. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.

What is Cancer? National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health., 08 Feb. 2013. Web. 12. Sept. 2013.


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