Preoperative blood transfusions reduce postoperative complications

Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood products from one person to another through bloodstream or directly into the red bone marrow. The most common reasons for blood transfusions include: alleviating anemia, increasing blood volume, or improving immunity (Tortora & Derrickson). They are sometimes used in regard to many different illnesses, such as preventing complications associated with sickle disease (WebMD). In one particular scientific study, seventy patients participated with the intention of discovering if preoperative blood transfusions are beneficial with patients who have sickle cell disease.

Patients were randomly assigned no transfusion or transfusion no more than ten days before surgery. Sixty-seven of the seventy participants were accessed, thirty-three were not preoperative and thirty-four were. Sixty-seven patients had the hemoglobin SS subtype, and fifty-four were scheduled to undergo medium-risk surgery (PubMed).

The intent was to lower the amount of hemoglobin S red blood cells in the body by blood transfusion. When fewer hemoglobin S cells are in the bloodstream, they are less likely to build up and block blood vessels. Also, blood transfusion increases the number of normal red blood cells in the body, increasing the supply of oxygen to the body (WebMD).

In conclusion of the study, thirty-nine percent of patients who did not receive the preoperative blood transfusion reported clinically important complications. Only fifteen percent of patients receiving the treatment had complications. It could be determined that preoperative blood transfusions could be associated with decreased complications with people who have sickle cell disease. Blood transfusions might be beneficial to patients who have hemoglobin SS subtypes and are scheduled to undergo low risk or medium risk surgeries (PubMed).

Living Without a Pulse

The heart is essentially the engine of the human body. The chambers of the heart contract and relax in order to move blood throughout the body (1).  The number of times the heart contracts and relaxes in a period of time is known one’s heart rate (1).  We associate the heart rate or contractions and a person’s pulse with life. If you have a pulse, then you are alive.

Until recently, if an individual had heart failure or heart disease their only options were to receive a heart transplant or die from the disease. Now, there are many researchers attempting to develop long-term artificial hearts. Many of which have made significant breakthroughs in their efforts

In 2011, Dr. Bud Frazier and Dr. Billy Cohn successfully implanted an artificial heart that creates a continuous flow of blood (2). As a result of the continuous flow the patient had no pulse (2).  Dr. Frazier’s studies also found that although the heart was not beating, the organs and tissues were not affected at all and worked properly with the alternate blood flow. The pair of doctors are continuing research and believe that the future will include life without a pulse.

(1) Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

(2) “News and Publications.” Texas Heart Institute. Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, 23 Mar 2011. Web. 28 Feb 2013. <

A New Look at Blood Transfusions

A New Look at Blood Transfusions

There are many reasons why people sometimes need blood transfusions. Blood transfusion is a process where blood from a person is transferred into another person (1). The most common reason why people require a blood transfusion is because they have lost too much blood, whether the blood loss was from a trauma accident or surgery (1). However, blood transfusions can also be done if a person suffers from severe anemia (1). Although blood transfusions can potentially save a person’s life, there are several risks that can occur. For example, after a blood transfusion, a person may develop what is known as a febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction, which is a fever that resolves on its own (1).

Recently, the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow developed a way to reduce the blood lose in patients during surgery by using a devise known as the HemoSep devise (2). The HemoSep devise collects the blood lost during surgery by using a blood bag which employs a chemical sponge technology and using a mechanical agitator to concentrate the blood collected (2). Once the cells are separated, they are put back into the patient by intravenous transfusion (2). In the 100 open-heart surgery clinical trials operation carried out, not only did the HemoSep devise drastically reduced the need for blood transfusions, it also reduced inflammation, something normally seen after a surgery procedure (2). Furthermore, there are still many clinical trials planned (2).With the CE mark, the device will now be sold in all European territories and any other regions that recognize the CE mark, as well as Canada (2).

I believe this new technology device will impact society in a positive way. Thanks to this new device, people will not have to risk their lives by getting a blood transfusion.  The less transfusions people have, the safer they will be from getting infections, viruses, or other risk factors that come from blood transfusions. Furthermore, with less blood transfusions needed people will not have to donate as much blood as before.  In my opinion, it is a win-win situation.


1.)    “What is a Blood Transfusion?” News-Medical.Net . (2013): n. page. Web. 22 Feb. 2013.

2.)    “New technology to transform blood processing.” (2012): n. page. Web. 22         Feb. 2013.


Heart Condition: Arrhythmia Culprit Caught in Action

For the heart to contract several steps have to occur, but one main component used to make the heart contract is calcium. Calcium binding allows for actin and myosin to develop tension which influences the strength of the heart contraction (Tortorra and Derrickson). However, substances can alter a change of calcium flowing through the calcium channels leading the heart to beat too fast or too slow in a condition called arrhythmia (Tortorra and Derrickson). Many diseases and conditions are associated with arrhythmia, such as sudden heart attacks in healthy people, which has researchers wondering what causes this.

With the utilization of powerful X-rays, University of British Columbia researches have managed to create an animated model that shows how gene mutations can affect the beating of the heart (ScienceDaily).  After calcium enters the muscle cells of the heart a special protein is in charge of opening the calcium channels that allow for calcium to be released and consequently make the heart contract (ScienceDaily). A gene mutation in the special protein controlling calcium release has been linked to arrhythmia, and other cardiac problems (ScienceDaily). With the construction of a 3D animated model of how the gene mutation of the special protein affects heart contraction, researchers can now better understand how this mutation can be corrected, and therefore possibly save lives (ScienceDaily).

Our hearts beat to the sound of calcium, but gene mutations such as the one that affects the special protein of the calcium channels can lead to serious health risks, and that is why the creation of a 3D model is so important. With a 3D model of the gene mutation researchers are allowed to visibly see such a mutation and watch it in action as it would occur in real life. Therefore, from this model, possible treatments can be made that would prevent or diminish heart related conditions caused by the gene mutation in the special protein. Arrhythmia, at its worst, can cause death, but further research and the utilization of this 3D model can help lower arrhythmia related conditions of the heart (ScienceDaily).

Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

University of British Columbia (2013, February 17). Heart condition: Arrhythmia culprit caught   in action. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 25, 2013, from


Osteoporosis affects many elderly women every year. Women over 65, postmenopausal and menopausal are at the highest risk and is the age group that is effected by it. Osteoperosis is a condition that effects the bone density. Dense bones can be porus and spongelike which results  in many fractures. Normal bones which are harder to break and aren’t compresssible are made up of proteins, collagen and  calcium. The spine, hips, ribs and wrist are normal areas to get fractured when osteoporosis has effected the bones.


Osteoporosis can be treated the best by early detection. Treatment is the preventment of loss of density. There is no complete cure for osteporosis but building bone strength is a good treatment. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, exercising reguarly and eating a balanced diet are treatments that have showed improvement in women with osteoporosis. Medications like  alendronate (Fosamax), risedronate (Actonel), raloxifene (Evista), help build bone and prevent further damage.


All in all osteoporosis is a condition that makes elderly womens bones dense. It does not mean the end of thier lives but it does mean that they have to change thier lives for the better. And eat right, exercise and stop bad habits like smoking and drinking. Osteoporosis does not have a cure but there are many medicines and methods to treat it that helps rebuild bone density. Once a bone has been fractured no matter if it has osteoporosis or was normal it will never be exactly the same.


Sources: J. Tortora, Gerald, and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken NJ, USA  2012.

“Osteoporosis”. Catherine Burt Driver, MD on 6/6/2012

babies and balance

    The ears play a major part of maintaining body posture or balance. How do the ears help play this role? The  inner ear contains liquid that helps detect our body posture relative to the position of our head and gravity. Being able to keep our balance is a process called equilibrium. Balance is a critical especially when babies are beginning to walk ( Tortora and Derrickson 2011).

Ear infections have played a role in preventing babies from taking their first step. Many babies have been treated for other conditions when an ear infection was the only thing wrong (Cohen 1997). It is understandable because ear infections make babies fussy, disoriented, and wobbly which can be the symptoms of other illnesses (Tadlock 2010). Equilibrium disorders in babies are hard to recognize due to the inability of toddlers and infants to communicate verbally.

If we parents or caretakers pay attention to children’s needs and recognize the signs of balance disorders, we can help babies take their first step. Noticing the signs of an ear infection can prevent children from going through unnecessary treatments. It could also lessen the stress put on parents and save money spent on procedures that are not helping. After all, having balance in our everyday life makes everyone happy.


Literature Cited

1. Tortora, Gerald J. Derrickson, Bryan H. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. January 4th 2011

2. Lindsey Tadlock. September 13 2010. January 31, 2013

3. Helen Cohen. December 10th 1997. m/article/pii/S0165587697001134

Retina Regeneration

The retina contains specialized structures and cells that allow us to see. The retina contains the photoreceptor cells, rods and cones. Rods allow people to see in dark conditions (1). Cones, associated with color vision, are activated in lighted conditions (1). The signal is translated to the bipolar cells, which sends the message to ganglionic cells. The Ganglionic cells come together to form the optic nerve. The optic nerve, of course, leads to the visual cortex in the brain.

Damage and disease to the retina can lead to blindness. Research shows a way to possibly stimulate Muller cells in the eye to create a chain reaction in order to regenerate retinal cells. The research included experiments done in the lab and on mice. It was found that, when injected in the eye, glutamate, stimulated Muller cells to divide and transform into retinal cells (2). Supplemented by aminoadipate, the brand new retinal cells located specific areas of need and became the needed cell type (2). The research is moving forward hoping testing will soon be done on animals and humans.

This research could change the life millions who suffer from blindness due to retinal disease and damage. If proven safe and effective on humans, this research could give these people an opportunity to see their loved ones again. It would give them back the precious gift of eyesight to do what they love and just return to normal life.

(1) Tortora G.J. and B. Derrickson. 2012. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed., John Wiley and Sons

(2) Jacobs, Patti. “Massachusetts Eye and Ear.” Schepens Eye Research Institute. Schepens Eye Research Institute, 24 Mar 2008. Web. 31 Jan 2013. <

Color Vision

Color Vision

In vision, color perception depends on wavelength. The photoreceptors that are involved in vision are rods and cones. Rods allow us to see dim light but don’t provide color vision in dim light so we only can see black, white, and shades of gray (Tortora & Derrickson). There normally about 120 million rods. Cones are stimulated by bright light which produces color vision. There are normally 6 million cones (Tortora & Derrickson). In essence, different people may see one subject in many different ways.

In a study on the evolution of color vision conducted at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, researchers introduced a human gene into a mouse chromosome. The human gene code was for a light sensor that a mouse normally does not have (Nathans). The goal of th experiment was to see if a mouse’s brain was capable of using the human photoreceptor to see just as many colors as we can. The mice used in this study actually exceeded their expectations. They had to test the mice to see how well their color vision had developed so they showed them color panels. The mice chose the correct panels in 80 percent of the trials (Nathans). The study is what led them to the conclusion that the trichromatic color vision that we now enjoy came from distant ancestors of all primates. There are consequences of trichromacy as well. We perceive what we see on television and computer screens as a full spectrum of color when in reality the colors are just mixtures of red, green, and blue pixels. After reading this research, the evolution of color vision is clearly a complex process.

The study of the human eye is a task itself when there are so many different components that function around the eye. The retina can provide the most information when studying color vision. Maybe one day some researcher will be able to explain what all the human eye is capable of because without color vision everyone would only see black, white, and shades of gray. No one wants to live in a dim world.


Gerald J. Tortora and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13thed., John Wiley and Sons, 2012.

Nathans, Jeremy. “HHMI News: Genetic Studies Endow Mice with New Color Vision.”HHMI News: Genetic Studies Endow Mice with New Color Vision. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 23 Mar. 2007. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. <>.