Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury

Every 45 seconds, someone suffers a stroke in the United States. Each year, 1.7 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the United States.  A stroke results from an artery bursting, leaking, or becoming obstructed, which deprives the brain of oxygen and leads to cell death. A traumatic brain injury results from a blow to the head or a penetrating brain injury that disturbs the brain’s normal functions. Fortunately, a medical breakthrough has been made that may restore some brain function, even if years have gone by since the stroke or traumatic event.

Researchers at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR) discovered that one dose of etanercept can quickly improve neurological problems caused by a stroke or traumatic brain injury. Etanercept works by binding to and deactivating an immune molecule that is responsible for excessive brain inflammation. An observational study conducted involving 629 patients demonstrated the potency of this claim. Most of the patients experienced significantly rapid improvement in cognition, motor impairment, and spasticity, after receiving a dose of etanercept. The study was carried out long after spontaneous meaningful recovery would be likely.

In the years to come, this groundbreaking discovery may have a dramatic impact. People left severely debilitated after suffering a stroke or traumatic brain injury may finally be able to resume their normal lives. Also, countless lives may be spared, if a person receives a dose of etanercept, before the damage progresses too far.  People from all around the world, not just the United States, may greatly benefit from this medical discovery.


J. Tortora, Gerald, and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken NJ, USA  2012. Page 553. Print.

“New Breakthrough for Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke.” Institute of Neurological Recovery. Institute of Neurological Recovery. 31 Oct 2012. Web. 29 Nov 2012.

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