Stem Cells Give Injured People New Hope

In recent years, stem cell research has been gradually growing more prominent. Researchers speculate that stem cells, which are unspecialized cells, may possibly treat or cure certain health conditions. However, this notion is still being met with some disinterest and skepticism. Almost a year ago, Geron of Menlo Park, California ceased its stem cell programs that were supposed to fight serious ailments, such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.  Also, Geron halted experiments intended to test cell therapy as a treatment for spinal injuries.  However, thanks to StemCells, a company in Newark, California, studies have been revived to test the possible benefits stem cells might have on spinal damage.

In a recent clinical trial, three people were injected with millions of stem cells at the site of their spinal injury. After six months passed, two of the three subjects reported that they had begun to regain sensation. When exposed to heat and gentle touch, their responses were nearly equal to those of an uninjured person. Nine more people with less severe paralysis are scheduled to receive the treatment. Though the signs are encouraging, researchers insist that further analysis is needed before they can conclude that stem cells have a definite future in healing.

The use of stem cells has the potential to become one of the most important medical techniques in history. Stem cells could be used to regenerate a variety of cells harmed or destroyed, after a physical trauma is suffered. Countless lives could be saved, and many people who have been deprived of their independence and well-being could have the opportunity to be restored. While these things would not come about overnight, they are becoming closer to being a reality.

Sources: J. Tortora, Gerald, and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken NJ, USA  2012. Page 8. Print.

Coghlan , Andy. “Stem cells bring back feeling for paralysed patients.” NewScientist. NewScientist, 3 Sep 2012. Web. 3 Sep 2012.

One thought on “Stem Cells Give Injured People New Hope

  1. Stem cells is very popular nowadays because they say it can help treat cancer or any diseases which is currently untreatable until today. The good part of stem cells is its benefits that it can give, on the other side, it is quite expensive where an ordinary people cannot somehow afford it.

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