The College of Education announces the final Dissertation of
Meagan Viar
for the degree of Doctor of Education
October 31, 2016 at 11:00 am in 405 Ball Hall
Major Advisor: Lee Allen, EdD
An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Perceptions of Value-Added Measurement and Teacher Job Satisfaction
ABSTRACT: This study examined the relationship between teacher perceptions of value-added evaluations, teachers’ three-year mean value-added scores, and teacher job satisfaction. There were thirty-nine teachers from two middle schools that participated in the survey. Job satisfaction was measured and compared with their mean Tennessee Value-Added Assessment (TVAAS) score. The analysis revealed a significant relationship between the self-reported three-year average TVAAS scores and perception of the quality of TVAAS data, as well as a significant relationship between teachers’ self-reported average TVAAS evaluation score and their average level of satisfaction.