Carol Lee Shelly Wallace Dissertation Final Defense

The College of Education, Health and

Human Sciences

Announces the Final Examination of

Carol Lee Shelly Wallace

for the degree of

Doctor of Education

May 8, 2014 at 1:00 pm

301 Browning Hall, University of Memphis

Memphis, TN


Biographical Sketch

Bachelor of Science, Foods and Nutrition, Marymount College

Master of Science, Public Health Nutrition, University of Tennessee

Advisory Committee

Mitsunori Misawa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership, Committee Chair

Barbara Mullins Nelson, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Leadership

Ruth Williams-Hooker, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Health and Sport Sciences

William Akey, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership

Major Field of Study

Higher and Adult Education

Period of Preparation:  2008 – 2014

Comprehensive Examination Passed: April 2012





The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the experience and perspectives of registered dietitians practicing as public health nutrition professionals, in meeting their continuing professional education and professional learning needs in their workplace, and the relationship to adult learning theories. Adult learning theories and strategies reviewed including andragogy, self-directed learning, transformational learning, experiential learning, informal and incidental learning, and critical reflective practice. Data was collected during an eight month period from registered dietitians within a county public health nutrition department. Data collection methods included observation, document elicitation using the participant’s professional development portfolio using an unstructured guide, semi-structured interviews, and artifact collection. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis, and findings were represented in themes, supported and illustrated by representative quotes from the participants. The five themes that emerged during analysis about CPE and professional learning were (1) the availability of opportunities, (2) the variety of methods for customizing learning, (3) that learning has a purpose, (4) learning is enhanced by enjoyability, and (5) RDs want to be prepared professionally.

The registered dietitians in this study reported experiences that aligned with literature about andragogy, self-directed learning, transformational learning, experiential learning, and informal and incidental learning. Barriers they reported were primarily cost, time, and scheduling, with some technology access problems. There was little self-reporting of reflective practice, although there was indication that they were reflecting, but did not consider it as learning. Four directions for future research are suggested, including expanding to other public health clinical settings in rural areas or in other parts of the country, or to experiences of RDs in other practice area such as clinical, wellness, chronic care, research, or education; the role of reflective practice in CPE and workplace learning for RDs; the growing role of social media in informal learning for the heath care professional providers and for patients or clients; or a comparison of the proliferations of CPE “freebies” mentioned frequently by these RDs, which are often produced by commercial companies, with more traditional CPE offerings from universities or other agencies.

Robin Jay Brooksby Dissertation Final Defense

The College of Education, Health and

Human Sciences

Announces the Final Examination of

Robin Jay Brooksby

for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

May 2, 2014 at 2:30 pm

103 Ball Hall, University of Memphis

Memphis, TN


Biographical Sketch

Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Brigham Young University – Idaho

Master of Arts, Community Counseling, Gonzaga University

Advisory Committee

Sara Bridges, PhD, Associate Professor, Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research, committee chair

Douglas Strohmer, PhD, Professor and Chair, Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research

Lisbeth A. Berbary, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Applied Health Sciences, University of Waterloo

Elin Ovrebo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research

Major Field of Study

Counseling Psychology

Period of Preparation:  2009-2014

Comprehensive Examination Passed: September 2011

Social Media: A Case of Publicness


Brooksby, Robin J. Ph.D. The University of Memphis. August 2014. Social Media: A Case of Publicness. Major Professor: Sara K. Bridges, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Counseling Psychology

Social Media has become one of the most popular ways to communicate and use the Internet. Previous research has shown that Internet use can have both positive and negative effects on users’ wellbeing, network quality, and life satisfaction. Further, self-disclosure is greatly increased and facilitated online, resulting in a loss of privacy. The aim of this case study was to provide an understanding of online publicness through an in-depth investigation of three social media users who maintained public profiles with minimal or no privacy settings. Participants included three individuals with publicly accessible blogs, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Results showed they were either naturally public people that found sharing online easy and an outgrowth of their personalities, or they had encountered circumstances that required their publicness, like being visible to past friends on Facebook, participating in public discourse through their blog, or talking with celebrities on Twitter. My findings also showed that my participants maintained their publicness online due to a variety of benefits, including making friends, convenient communication, conversation, their network, and celebrity connections. These benefits were also juxtaposed with several negative effects that publicness caused online and off. My participants negotiated these effects by being vulnerable, filtering harmful or hurtful content, maintaining their identity, accepting little privacy, and coping with the negative reactions of others.