Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Session 1A
Azalea Room
Rhetoric of the Christian Left: Religious Communication for the Greater Regard
Chair: Jim Vining, Governors State University
Respondent: Bethany Mannon, Appalachian State University
Material Rhetorics of the Episcopal Church, Elaine Schnabel, Weber State University
Feminine Metaphors: Sarah Bessey’s Enthusiastically Feminine Rhetorical Style for Christians on the Left, Sarah Kornfield, Hope College
Cornel West: A Progressive Christian Voice for the 20th and 21st Centuries, and the Relevance of Prophetic Pragmatism in Religious Rhetoric, Theon Hill, Wheaton College
Repenting Toward a Greater Love: William Barber’s Use of Public Repentance in His Pride Month Sermon, Joshua Miller, Independent Scholar
Resignifying Discipleship: Sr. Joan Chittister’s Pathways of Dissent, “Anti”cedents, and Arguments for Women’s Priestly Ordination, Christopher Oldenburg, Illinois College
Session 1B
St. Charles Room
Current Lesser Regard Issues That Negatively Impact the Church from Working in Unity to Accomplish the Greater Regard: Church Ministry
Chair: Cecil Kramer, Jr., Liberty University
Co-Chair: John R. Katsion, Northwest Missouri State University
A Shallow Ocean? Seeker Sensitive Worship, Chris Underation, Gordon College
The “Go Home” Controversy: Beth Moore, John MacArthur, and Pastoring in Regards to Gender, Gregory Knight, William Carey University
Claims of the KJV Only Adherents: High Regard or Idolatry? Cecil Kramer, Liberty University
Sermonic Apologia: An Ideological Criticism of Public Opinion and Pastoral Responsibility in Alistair Begg’s Sermon, “Compassion vs. Condemnation,” John Dunkle, Liberty University
Session 1C
Canal Room
The Chronicles of Narnia: Communication with Greater Regard
Chair: Jeffrey Miller, University of Memphis
Explaining the Popularity of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” Steven Beebe, Texas State University
Entering the Jovial World: A Pedagogy of Narnian Laughter, Terry Lindvall, Virginia Wesleyan University
The Lion’s Roar: Lewis, Blake, Lacan, and the Tapestry of Meaning, Vasupradha Srikrishna, Madras Christian College
Session 1D
Bourbon Room
Works in Progress-1
Chair: Andrea Terry, Sacramento State University
Ontological Disobedience and Decolonization: A Path into an Ontological Turn for Communication Studies, Naaman Wood, St. Paul College
Joel Osteen Pastors America, Reginald Bell, Jr., Monmouth College
God, Send Me to City Hall: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Tyre Nichols Religious Rhetoric by Pastor-Scholar-Activist Rev. Andre E. Johnson, PhD, Christopher A. House, Ithaca College
Evangelicals for Israel: The Study of Rhetorical Influences on Evangelical Israel-Related Ideologies, Abigail Schroeder and Jodeyah Mills, Liberty University
Using Communication Climate Theory and Muted Group Theory in Analyzing “Holy Sexuality Week” (HSW), Amelia Little, Abilene Christian University