The University of Memphis’ Center for Research in Educational Policy (CREP) is a State of Tennessee Center of Excellence. Since 1989, we have been committed to improving education by serving as a valuable resource in educational research, evaluation, and consultation.
A major research focus for CREP includes planning and conducting high-quality studies and evaluations to determine what works in schools. In this regard, CREP has served as a consultant or direct contributor to research addressing the goals of Race to the Top and No Child Left Behind, as proposed by the National Academy of Sciences, the What Works Clearinghouse, and the Center on Innovation & Improvement.
Additionally, CREP assists schools, districts, and states in building the capacity and ability to attain Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) standards. The tools and strategies CREP developed as part of its Formative Evaluation Process for School Improvement (FEPSI) have become primary resources of assistance for schools across the nation. We seek to address the educational community’s diverse needs by designing customized evaluation methods to fit each project. These tools address critical improvement factors, such as teaching methods and quality, school climate, teacher support, student attitudes, parent and community involvement, technology use, program implementation, and student achievement.