Media 2.0

Before this class, I didn’t really realize how all the things I do and the decisions I make on how I create and consume media content has evolved very quickly over the past 15 to 20 years. The Long Tail tail is very interesting in that the niche culture has really made the amount of content produced and available to us seemingly unlimited.  The tools of production and distribution are available to everyone and has really benefited us as a consumer in that we can make our own decisions of what to be fans of and what to watch, listen to, and get our information from.

Convergence culture is also a very interesting part of this class.  I really like the idea of collective intelligence and the participatory culture, and the idea of us all sharing our knowledge and experiences to make the information that is available better to us.  Another aspect of the convergence culture is media convergence, and this is something that is very  applicable to my life.  I never realized how fragmented the platforms where I consume media were.

The future of the long tail and the convergence culture are unknown, but I am very excited to see where they may go.  I am very glad I know have a better understanding of how we consume our media and the different things going into our media.

One thought on “Media 2.0

  1. I like those ideas as well —> collective intelligence and the participatory culture.
    I guess that’s why I find Open-source software so fascinating.

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