jonathan coulton is not a snuggie!

Jonathan Coulton has found success in the long tail by maintaining a niche audience. His music consist of geek culture therefore his audience consist of geeks. Once one person finds  his music interesting he tell his friends who like the same music and they visit the website that has all of his music and merch for sell. Coulton’s success is also due the ability to produce and distribute his own music, meaning he gets back 100% of revenue there is no one to pay but himself and the monthly internet bill. This means there is more money for him to spend on promoting his new work as well as creating new work. The internet has revolutionized independent music. Anyone can find and maintain success in the long tail. The more niche you are the more likely you will remain relevant. There are many new independent acts that come and go every year and some that last for a while.

3 thoughts on “jonathan coulton is not a snuggie!

  1. What do you think about the Planet Money guests’ assertions that he is just a one-off, like a snuggie? Do musicians have to be Beyonce-rich to be “successful?”

    • I think that there are varying degrees of success. Beyonce is very successful, however so is Coulton, someone who basically did everything himself and didn’t really have any professionals promote his music, assist in studio sessions, etc.

  2. Yeah, him owning 100% of everything he makes is probably a huge part of why he makes the income that he does. A record label could market his music the right people, but he wouldn’t receive nearly as much money from his sales.

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