Social Knowing

In the chapter Social knowing wienberger discusess that the rise of wikipidea and blogs has given people the abilty to pulish information on various subjects without haveing actuall credibility or giving thier sorces. Anyone can now become an “anoyomus author”as he put it.  Anyone has the ability to spread their knoweledge in various mediums around the web.  Journalist have had to adapt to how they report an spread information. However the speed in which a person gets or shares information is remarkable. For example most news corps such as cnn have live broadcast online for up to the  minute news stories. Better yet twitter has revolutionized the way we can recive up to the minute information and all you have to do is search for that topic and we find millions of oridnary people as well as media orgs and celebs tweeting info about it or picture#howgreat! we live in era were technology makes it possiable to be a “published author”

One thought on “Social Knowing

  1. Yes, Technology has made obtaining and reporting the news easier. I get instant news updates on my Kindle and through my email. instant news updates are important for people who like to stay current. Twitter makes it possible to keep up with trending news topics that you may have missed.

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