Some 1 Should Have Told U

I chose to write a book review/advice blog using wordpress. I am a member of several online book club communities on various sites such as Good Reads.  I contacted the groups and invited them to read my blog.  I also found several urban fiction blogs similar to mine on word press and I followed them and added their blogs to my blog links.  I asked them to follow me as well.  If I wrote a book review I found the author’s twitter address and told them to check out my blog.  I also joined a few blog promoting sites like The Sits Girls, and Blogaliscous.  These sites help drive viewers to your blogs if you comment on other members blogs. What worked best for me was sending twitter messages to the authors.  When I did a book review for Tamika Newhouse I sent her a message through twitter and she did a re-tweet, liked my review and then mentioned my blog on her blog site.  I had 59 views that day. Other artists that I did book reviews were not as poplar and I only recieved a few views from their readers.

I posted invitations on my personal twitter and facebook accounts for my friends to view my blogs and I only recieved a few views from those.   I noticed that blogs similar to mine had very little activity.  The bloggers had very few post over the last three weeks.  I’m thinking that they have busy schedules like mind and are finding it hard to post.