Mid-South Coonhounds Marketing Activities and Stats

As briefly discussed in my presentation, I used a variety of marketing activities to promote my blog– Mid-South Coonhounds. I started out by creating a Facebook page and a Twitter account for my blog. These two sites were live after I had around 4-5 posts, so I immediately started linking my blog pages to these accounts for exposure. After doing so, I  invited friends from my personal Facebook page to my Mid-South Coonhounds Facebook page. I got 28 likes from that, mostly from friends of mine who have dogs. Then I basically did the same thing with Twitter. I started following friends of mine who I thought might be interested in my blog. I didn’t get any follow backs from that. So I started doing searches on both Twitter and Facebook for users and groups that were talking about coonhounds as well as local pet adoption agencies and vet clinics. I found several groups on Facebook for coonhounds, and I joined them under my Mid-South Coonhounds Facebook page as well as my personal Facebook page. After interacting and promoting my page on the group pages, I got 21 additional likes on my page. Most importantly though, engagement increased on the Mid-South Coonhound Facebook page which featured blog posts and additional coonhound related posts and information. Below is a brief summary of all Facebook interaction on my 35 posts.

  • Cover Photo- 1 like
  • Frankenhound- 1 like, 2 comments
  • Combating and Upset Stomach- 1 like, 1 comment
  • Maddie Book Tour- 2 likes
  • Coonhound Ghost Video- 1 like, 1 comment
  • National Dog Show- 1 like
  • Starry Nights- 2 likes
  • Teaser- 2 likes
  • Coonhound Puppies Video- 1 like
  • Maple Photo Album- 5 likes, 1 comment
  • Annabelle Photo Album- 1 like
  • Laundry Question- 3 likes, 3 comments
  • Maple Photo- 3 likes, 2 comments
  • Santa Paws Village- 1 like
  • Profile Picture- 1 like
  • Buster Photo- 1 like
  • Maple Photo- 1 like
  • General Comments- 1
I also did the same thing on Twitter; however, I did not have as much success as Facebook. I followed several dog accounts and local pet adoption agencies and veterinarian offices, and I only received a total of 20 followers. I tweeted 59 times, and in response, I was retweeted 4 times, tweeted to 4 times, and 2 of my tweets were favorited.
In addition to these two marketing activities, I also emailed each blog owner on my blogroll. I was successful in reaching one of the owners from Coonhound Companions, and he actually added me to his Useful Links page. I also spoke to the owner of The Royal Coonhounds on the Urban Coonhounds Facebook page. She was happy that I was spreading the word about coonhounds, but nothing further has come from it so far.
Also, what I consider to be the best “marketing activity” that I did was soliciting participation from my audience. It’s been great word-of-mouth, especially from my last interview with the employee of Hollywood Feed who had adopted the three-legged coonhound. He has become an important contact for future posts.
Lastly, I had a few comments and likes directly on my 13 blog posts. Below are those stats along with a few other key highlights.
  • Combating an Upset Stomach- 4 likes
  • A Coonhound Owner Christmas Wish List- 1 comment
  • Followers- 1
  • Views- 415 total, 70 on busiest day (11/27/12)
  • Top Post- Buster
From here on out, I’m going to focus on interacting more on Facebook and continue to build my audience on Twitter. I would also like to do some outreach in the local community to move forward. I would eventually hope to make contacts in several locations throughout the Mid-South as well to add event information for other coonhound owners outside of the Memphis area.

You can visit my blog pages for my project using the links below. Thanks!

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About Brittney Block

I am a graduate student at the University of Memphis, studying journalism with a concentration in integrated communications. I am currently working on a thesis concerning the use of QR code scanners and the mobile app Shazam. I expect to graduate Spring 2013.