Media 2.0 Project: The Streaming Rhino

For my media 2.0 project I created wordpress blog The blog is a review of various content I have watched via Netflix over the past couple months. I promoted this blog mostly on a twitter acount @streamingrhino where . As of Monday night i followed 72 twitter accounts that shared the same Interest in film and entertainment. I only gained 8 followers :(. However most of the followers were gained as I started to tweet more. I made 37 tweets, trying to tweet at least 2 times a day. Most of my tweets were about other buzz worthy film news. Over the weekend I decided to create a facebook page www.facebook/thestreamingrhino in hopes of drawing more people to my blog. On the page I just created status of all the reviews i posted. I gained another 12 likes on the facebook page. The biggest problem was getting people to read my blog as well as follow me on social media. Part of this was my own fault as I procrastinated with my post.

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