Media 2.0 Overview

Prior to this class I was always told not to use Wikapedia because it’s sources are unrealiable because any one can write the information.  However, after attempting to create a page have found that it is a very reliable source.  The information is verified. If the information is false the page will be deleted.

Last year I attempted to start a blog.  I found that I was too busy to do so. I’m still too busy to keep up but it has helped me create the blog that I said that  I wanted to a year ago.  It has been a learning experience. Right now I don’t now if I want to keep it up. I guess I will see.  If I do a good job at promoting it I will probably continue it.

I had a class a few semesters ago that used the Jenkins and the Levinson books.  I can say that this class  was more interesting.  The class I had previously talked about globalization and media. This class has  really helped to put me on a different path for my graduate research.

The Long Tail was a very interesting book and it has also given me ideas for my project.  Prior to reading this book I never really paid attention to the various Internet artists.  There are so many of them that have found a niche and are trying to get their 1000, true fans.

This class has helped me to be come familar with  audience fragmentation, collaborative production, and the pro-am generation.  I have also become familiar with a few TV shows and documentaries that I will look  at over the break on Netflix.

Technology has changed drastically over the years. It will continue to do so.  I find it funny that I am taking a class that allows me to surf the net and i can honestly say that I am not procrastinating but doing homework.

One thought on “Media 2.0 Overview

  1. I think one thing that helps with blogging and time management is kinda mapping out what you could post in a set time frame. I initially did something like that at the start of my blog, but I overshot what I could do. So I made adjustments along the way. Plus, I still have a lot of topics I can cover in the future now. 🙂

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