Media 2.0 Outlook

I really enjoyed this class this semester. We discussed things from The Long Tail, Wikipedia to discussing how blogs are effective and meeting Kerry Williams. The main thing that stood out the most to me was the wikipedia project and how niche artist fits into the Long Tail. The Wikipedia started off as a website that most people would call unresourceful. But, after doing this project and reviewing changes within in my article, I learned that Wikipedia is just as resourceful as an encyclopedia. I was amazed with the corrections that were made and how most articles are locked so there couldnt be any changes made. Also, the artist profile was a learning experience because I really had to apply all those reading we discussed into the paper. It made me dig deep into the artist I chose to see how they use the Long tail to be successful. I learned about the 1,000 true fans and the power of merchandise and having links.

The blogs were another thing that was helpful throughout the class because I bascially used the blogs to show what I learned and to see other people points of view. The day we did the online class was the most memorable because I never had an online class of that type. I really enjoyed this class and how revelant it is to whats going on around us. The internet is the future and probably be around for a long time so everything we learned will be useful. Everybody that read this article should check out this short film called Plurality. It’s crazy to see how technology has evolved.

4 thoughts on “Media 2.0 Outlook

  1. I will definitely look into watching Plurality. It sounds pretty interesting. The online session we did was also very memorable for me because I had never done a class like that before. It was really cool being able to interact with everybody that way. I think it makes it easier for all of us to interact because we can all get our statements out more easily because we don’t have to raise our hands. Also, I think people are more comfortable stating their opinions when they are not in front of the whole class. This was overall the most interesting class I took this semester.

  2. I liked the online class also, (even though I was at work) it different. I agree with John about the blogs making it easier for people to state their opinions. I generally like to sit back and listen in class and interject when I can. The blogs allow you to discuss things of interest and go further into details.

  3. Yeah, I enjoyed the Wikipedia project as well. Although I didn’t have any interaction with my article, I thought it was useful to just learn the process.

  4. I liked the online class, too; though I think that “real” classes outweigh the advantages of the online classes over the long haul… the Wikipedia project was my favorite one as well, because we could choose an article we were really interested in.
    Also, I think that posting on the course blog helped to make everybody participate in class.

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