Media 2.0 Fall Semester 2012

Niche Culture, Tools of Distribution, Media Convergence, Participatory Culture Collective Intelligence, and Tools of Production are only a few things I learned this semester in this Media 2.0 class. I would have never thought that Wikipedia could actually be a great source for information, I also found out that if the information is incorrect actions will be taken in order to make sure the information on the site is as accurate as possible. I learned that independent artists in any field who are in the niche category of The Long Tail can survive and succeed due to the growth of technology, social media, and youtube. This class to my surprised has given me the tools I need in order to expand my music career. It is a fact that today I am a niche rap/hip-hop artist, but if I just remember the importance of the true fans and their loyalty, constantloy promote myself on facebook, tweet about what’s going on, post pictures of my performances on Instagram, and post vidoes of my performances on youtube, then maybe one day the right person will notice and I could end up in the Hits portion of The Long Tail for as long as the world gets tired of what I can bring to the music industry. I have also learned that is good to have more the one option, so if they ever get tired of my music; or if I do, I can just do movies or something. Thank you Ms. Markman for a great semester and being ever so patient with me. Your The Best!!!! I will never forget Niche Culture, Tools of Distribution, Media Convergence, Participatory Culture Collective Intelligence, and Tools of Production are my keys to success.

One thought on “Media 2.0 Fall Semester 2012

  1. I’m amazed at how fast corrections are made to popular Wikipedia articles. My article experienced vandalism once or twice but it was corrected rather quickly.
    You’re right…this class has definitely provided us with the knowledge and the skills…to help us successfully utilize social media.

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