Popular Culture and Politics

Today’s discussion was very interesting. We discussed how the media plays a big role in politics and today’s election. As this being my first time voting, I didn’t keep up with the debate or any other information on the election. I used sources such as Facebook, Twitter,and other social networks to keep me informed. With my generation and social media being the voice of today, I believe pop culture has a lot to do with how to get people involved or get information out much quicker.

38% Twitter users “like” political or social issues and 35% social media users use to encourage people to vote. Every election differs and this is the year where pop culture and social networks play a huge role in the election. You hear rappers, actors, and other famous people endorsing someone and trying to persuade a person to vote for who they are electing. I feel you should inform yourself first before just electing somebody because Denzel Washington say so. You should exercise your right to vote whether you chose anybody or turn in a blank ballot.

2 thoughts on “Popular Culture and Politics

  1. Yeah, I got most of my political information from Twitter for this election. I mostly listened to talk radio for the 08 presidential race, but I was really only listening to the opposing side since democratic talk radio isn’t popular like republican/conservative talk shows. I was much less involved in this election than the last, but I think that mostly had to do with the fact that I voted for Obama the first time.

  2. It’s kind of fascinating 2 see how much a celebrity endorsement can influence the masses….That list Snoop Dog tweeted about really had people talking.

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