Pros and Cons of Internet In Music

Jonathan Coulton’s success should be a motivating force to any up and coming artists. He does tours where he knows he will have a great turnout and I don’t use the internet, but I sell my demos to people I know will buy them. I have yet to take my business to the internet, but speaking from my experience the last week of just selling my demos on the street, I am a true believer that the internet is a great source as far as getting your career off to a great start. Of course people have to be careful, your stuff must be protected/have a copyright, butr the sky is the limit if your an unsigned artist. All these social networks work in your favor also. I can see myself using facebook, and twitter to promote my records I have for sell and so my website can be promoted as well. Out of the two, I am all for how Coulton went about his business. Everyone can’t be as successful as he was, but success leaves clues. Use those clues to find out how you can benefit from certain situations in your own way. Can’t wait to see how Super Meat Boy turned in the next class either. Hope it turned out great, because I would play it!

One thought on “Pros and Cons of Internet In Music

  1. I definitely think putting a few samples of your music in multiple places would help to promote yourself. If people get a little taste and like it, then they might want to buy more in the future. Nowadays, the internet is probably the best place for any up and coming artist to start. It has become almost uncool to just perform at some random place where nobody knows who your are. It’s always good to get your name out their a little bit before that.

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