Coulton respones.

In the podcast Frannie Kelley makes a statemen that Johnathan Coulton was like a snuggie.  He was something we didn’ know we needed.  The main argument is the internet a good or bad thing for the music industry.   The podcast interviews believe that these new novelty artists are just passing. How ever, artist like Coulton have managed to make millions of dollars off of these songs.

There have been a number of artist like Coulton who have created a niche and are producing many hits on the internet.They have develop a business marketing plan that has helped to get there work out and have managed to make a living out of it.  Frannie Kelley and Jacob Ganz seems to believe that this plan will not work for everyone.  However, there are plenty of artists who have used the same method and are doing well in their niche.

Coulton has basically copied the plans of many internet artists  that produce and recieve profit from their work via the internet.  He does not have to answer to a record label.  He recieves all of his profits and he has a low overhead. He had no formal business plan, just an idea to sell his work on the internet like many others.

Coulton and his fans were offened by being called a snuggie, but as he pointed out the makers of the snuggie, some one who probably wanted a blanket that would allow them to use their hands, designed it and realized that there may be a market for it. They were right and  they have made millions of dollars from it.  They may never make another item but they have profitted from the one that they sold.   

Coulton has a large internet fan base and he will continue to create his novelty songs. The internet will continue to serve as a medium for artist to get their work to the public.  The internet does not hurt the music industry it only adds to it.  Not every artist can make it to the main stream media.  The internet allows the artist and fans to view those artist who do not make it.  It also allows these artist to keep full rights of their work.

2 thoughts on “Coulton respones.

  1. I think that the Internet only hurts the music industry artists if they let it. I think there are ways to overcome music piracy online. Just like we talked about in class, some artists give their music away for free and then make money off of merchandise, tickets, etc. Without a doubt, there is still a way to succeed in the music business today, and the Internet can be a huge asset for artists to take advantage of.

  2. The internet can definitely be a useful asset to those who use it correctly. Johnathon Coulton is a great example. Justin Bieber is an example of an artist who used the internet to get himself into mainstream success. MK is an example of someone who only uses it for niche success. Anyone who uses the internet and fails to achieve success, well, that’s why we have not heard of them.

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