Wikipedia Experience

In this project, I found out that there are some die-hard fans for CSI:Miami. I also got a better view of peer production and collaboration. Many people were changing and updating info to keep every information accurate. Social knowing was also a major factor because I found a lot of information that I never knew or decided to look up. This project changed my whole view on Wikipedia because of the references.

THe frustrating part of the project was looking for changes or updates. Without any updates I could harldy critique my article. But, I found some recent updates and changes. On my Wikipedia article most of the references linked to a still working page. So, for all the teachers that said Wikipedia wasn’t a good source, I beg to differ lol. But, this project gave me helpful tips on Wikipedia such as the Talk page and who was recently updating the page

3 thoughts on “Wikipedia Experience

  1. I’m sure with a larger article it would be hard to track any changes made. CSI Miami probably has a ton of people out there who contribute, but at least you got to see how collaboration really works.

  2. Fact-checking the references reinforced my already positive image of Wikipedia, too.
    Though, I had the same problem: Most changes are very “tiny” and hard to track or, what’s even worse, they are immediately reverted by eager users.

  3. I had negative views about Wikipedia at first, years a go I pulled up an article and found a lot of false information in it. I am glad that they have made improvements in the fact checking component.

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