We love Wiki

Wikipedia was introduced to the world in 2003.
I like to think Wikipedia goes by the motto of history is changing, and the world needs to keep up.

Wikipedia has endless, affordable storage. Its easily accessible and gives those true fans, to show their urgency towards their likings. It was asked in class,

Do you think Wikipedia will ever end?

The answer is no. Wikipedia has reinvented the encyclopedia. Even the encyclopedia is trying to move into a more web base format but still lacks people updating and letting those true fans ‘spread their wings’- open participation.



One thought on “We love Wiki

  1. I think you are right with your answer to this question. Wikipedia will not end, instead it becomes bigger and bigger every day.
    Whereas standard encyclopedias like Britannica are declining, Wikipedia constantly becomes more important in most parts of the world. Today, Wikipedia contains millions of articles, many of them in languages that I haven’t even heard of.
    No printed encyclopedia will ever be able to reach an audience to an even greater extent.

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