The ever growing wiki’s

I have to agree with the “hippie notion” that was brought up in class.  Any sort of knowledge that for the most part, betters the person who is obtaining it, should be available to all anywhere.  The internet is the medium with which we can now obtain information about just about any topic that we can imagine.  If a person is skilled enough with computers, he/she could most likely even get to some information that is not intended for their eyes.  The internet is full of exponentially growing information, and unless there is some unexplained loss of all electricity, it will continue to grow.  With the growth of all of this technology and outlets to put such information, it leads to things like wiki’s for specific things such as television shows, book, movies, actors, or just general controversial topics.  Two huge and most likely still growing wiki’s I know of are the one for Harry Potter, which I have visited numerous times, and the one for Lost.  Both of these stories are so complex that they are more than suitable for a wiki that goes on to explain things that might not have been so thoroughly explained in the TV show or the book/movie.  Wiki’s are really just the product of the super fans who know virtually everything there is to know about a certain show/book/movie/musical artist.  Wikipedia on the other hand is looking more to inform and educate in some respects.  Most people do typically just use Wikipedia for general information because basically all school classes do not allow it to be used as a credible source because of how often is vandalized or just plain mistaken.  Wikipedia is becoming more and more efficient at having the correct information, and I would not be surprised if it eventually becomes available to be used as a credible source in research paper classes in the future.

2 thoughts on “The ever growing wiki’s

  1. I can see Wikipedia becoming a credible source for research papers in classes as well. I use Wikipedia all of the time….it’s usually the 1st place that I go when I need information. If eye need 2 know something about pop culture—->i use Wikipedia….if I’m researching historical events—>i use Wikipedia….if I want to learn about diseases—>Eye use Wikipedia…..Wikipedia is usually my primary source for information.

  2. I never really use wikipedia for research papers…since teachers usually stress that wikipedia wouldn’t be counted as a source and would probably affect my grade…but I do use it for general information. Sometimes if I’m watching TV and a see an actor but can’t think of his name or want to know what the name of the movie/TV show a person was in, I’ll simply use wikipedia. I don’t really use it for “serious” information because I guess I don’t FULLY trust the site. Dr. Markman brought up in class the Haymarket Riots and how the site had the wrong information about evidence in the trial…when someone who found the correct information tried to change it, it was removed and marked as vandalism.

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