Professionals vs Ameteaur

Professionals and Ameteaurs are not that different, they are only seperated by a couple of things. Experience and documented/approved paperwork, such as degrees, doctrines, etc. For example when it comes to certain forms of journalism and music, professionals and ameteaurs are not far from being equal at all, and in some cases one may be better than the other. I also believe ameteaurs have a higher ceiling of improvement to become quote on quote professionals. Being a professional shouldn’t be overlooked or anything though. I have had ACL surgery on my right knee and I am so hapy that, Dr. Fly is a professional, because I would hope they would not even notify me if it were someone else who just so happen to be an ameteaur surgeon. I would have been scared out of my mind. Long story short, in some cases professionals vs ameteaurs go hand in hand, while in other siuations or professions; the difference really matters.