Anonymity Online

Weinberger’s chapter on Social Knowing discusses the idea of “anonymous authors” and how sites like wikipedia have increased anonymity online. We are able to post anything we want online without the risk of people knowing who we are, where we live, etc. As Weinberger notes on page 135, “Registering at Wikipedia requires making up a nickname– a pseudonym– and a password. That’s all Wikipedia knows about its registered users, and it has no way to identify further”. However, if you don’t register and make an edit or something, your IP address is listed. But, there are ways of faking your IP address…I don’t know how to do it but some people do.

I brought up in class how Matthew Perry’s wiki page had a few hilarious changes like his mother being a ferret and his middle name being “AIDS burger” and this reading made me think if anyone ever found out who did it. The person who posted it could have been a registered user with a fake email account and altered IP address so he could be completely anonymous online.

One thought on “Anonymity Online

  1. No…no one ever found out that i did it…but eye have 2 say that Matthew Perry is a great actor and I luv that show Go On.

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