Introduction to ‘The Long Tail’

Media 2.0
I’m enjoying this class.
I found it really interesting how the long tail works.


98% of something sell at least once. When you look at the image above, the red shaded area is consider the popular era. Popular would be the hits, and the orange are would be the niches– everything else. I’m a Marketing student, and its amazing how the media sites/ online sites take advantage of this method. “Everyone uses the Long tail method” For instance, Amazon is the leading online store. You can buy anything from WAFFLE MAKERS to the mix used to make waffles. This store monitor the long tail within you. It recommends things as you buy it, and also tells you with similar interest.    

I know this is very much off of topic but I love the idea of expressing myself. It gives me the opportunity to express what I learn and what I found interesting. Unlike, the typical class where you have a discussion board, and the professor TELLS you what you should have found interesting with a topic question.
Oh yeah.. I cannot find in the settings how to unblock the author but..
My name is Courtney Clark 🙂

One thought on “Introduction to ‘The Long Tail’

  1. Certainly the long tail opens up new opportunities for marketing, but also new challenges. With so many products available, how do you distinguish yours?

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