The Ambivalent Networker

After taking the quiz I found out I was an Ambivalent Networker. Part of the description for this user type is that they rely a lot on mobile devices to connect socially with others and to entertain themselves. I agree with most of the description. I do highly rely on the internet, and especially now that I have all online classes. I do most of my payments for my bills online because of the convenience, and the few dollars that I save from gas and from paying a third party to send my bill, or for a money order. I also agree that it does help to stay in contact with family in friends. Especially when you have a huge family, but it is in another country. I only get to see them once a year, so social media makes it so much easier to keep up with what everyone is doing during the year. I think, another thing that this user type accurately describes me in is in that even though I rely so much on the internet, and get online several times a day, sometimes, I believe it is good to take a break from it. I go through phases where I can go weeks without checking my facebook or email, and then there are times where I check it every day. It is good to know other type of users, as well, because everyone is not the same, and every one does not have the same kind of wants and needs from the internet.

2 thoughts on “The Ambivalent Networker

  1. I agree that not all internet users have a uniform set of wants and needs from ITCs. I think even the innovators are aware of this and that is why personalization has become such a staple of our current marketplace. We may all have the same iPhone, but we all take advantage of different applications. Even news resources like Yahoo allow you to filter your feed to only deliver items on a preset list of interests. However, all of this personalization leads to new concerns about “filter bubble” and if allowing algorithms to act as a filter for us is wise or not.

  2. Ambivalent Networker fits you however, I believe we all would fit a little in more than one category. I think it is good that you are able to take a break because I have some friends and the internet, social media and technology is their life. They cannot live with out it. I guess this is another reason I don’t use it as much.

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