Bianca’s #10

Boyd and Ellison defined Social Networking Sites into three different categories web-based services that allowed individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site.” (boyd & Ellison, 2007:2) Boyd and Ellison goes on to say that the word ‘networking’ is not used because it could be perceived as someone initiating a connection between strangers, instead of the user being the initiator. (boyd & Ellison, 2007:2)

I disagree with boyd & Ellison’s definition of SNS mainly because (1) Social Networking Sites do allow for completely private pages and in turn people add only those they know. (2) For me SNS are to network, promote, and market. It does not matter rather you all have something in common you learn more from people who are unlike yourself. (3) On Facebook you can join a group with people who have a common goal or share the same interest as yourself.

When I think of an online community I often think of a place where forums and message boards are present. In my opinion, SNS is a place where you meet boutique owners, online store owners, and people who are in the works of doing something profitable. I see it that way because I have met my hairstylist from a SNS, I have met someone that customizes shoes, and I also market my online business ( Social Networking Sites are what you make to be, they can either be profitable or informative.

7 thoughts on “Bianca’s #10

  1. I like your view that social networking sites are what you make them. It is so easy to get in the “hype” of the social networking scene. However, the points and arguments in this weeks readings proves that there are definite roles that networks and communities play in our lives.

    In obtaining my associates degree in 2003 we were required to make “networking” contacts to local businesses to open avenues for potential employers. This exercise was very valuable to me and now coming full circle in this course confirming the rapid change in how we network in just under a decade of time!

  2. Like you stated, I’m not sure that Boyd and Ellison’s definition of an SNS is entirely accurate. While I earlier agreed with their stance, I am now in more of a gray area. They appear to suggest that SNSes are a lot like online communities in that they allow people to talk about different things other than the posted topic. Based on what I observed, though, social networking sites are not as social as online communities. Although a person may have some friends on the social networking site that he or she joined, other people may not be that lucky. Their entire membership could be based on assumptions and thoughts about who they might be blogging to, and that may prove to be a negative aspect.

  3. Social media is becoming a larger part of a business’s advertisement method. Social media can reaches more people than a printed publication. Social media is becoming a legit advertisement tool that strays away from Boyd and Ellison’s outdated definition.

  4. I do agree that SNSs are what you make them and that it’s up to the person using them to use them to their benefit and fit them into their lives in a way that will be most beneficial. It is very common for businesses to network through SNSs just as it is a great way for people to stay connected to people they want to stay connected with.

  5. I agree that SNS are used for marketing because a lot of people advertise their businesses on their facebook page. I think everyone’s purpose of SNS sites differs from person to person. There is no way of telling who’s definition of networking is the best because it will depend on how and why you choose to use the SNS sites you have.

  6. I’ll echo everyone else and say I think you’ve made a great point about SNS and business. This isn’t something I’ve seen highlighted very much in the literature, and it’s a big deal right now. It’s especially cool to hear from someone who’s using these sites to run and promote a small, local business.

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