According to Horrigan’s research, I am what the kids call a Digital Collaborator. In essence, a Digital Collaborator is someone using the internet on a regular basis to not only share his thoughts, but also his craft. In Horrigan’s words, “Using blogs and other content-creation applications, they collaborate with others online to express themselves creatively.”
In completing the survey, I took into account that I have, on occasion, used the internet as a means to share various pieces of art and writing with my social network. But, I believe that it would be inaccurate to say that I use the internet primarily as a medium for creative expression. Although I have recently begun exploring the many exciting opportunities the internet offers for building a portfolio and personal brand ―particularly from the perspective of a designer ― I currently occupy the role of a consumer more than that of a producer. Honestly, I would very much like to be a Digital Collaborator. However, I’m probably more of an Ambivalent Networker. So, while I appreciate Horrigan’s vote of confidence, I’m not quite there yet.
Creative expression could be a trait that we could make “fuzzy” by limiting ourselves to online resources only. I appreciate your comment that this is an arena that you still do craftsmanship outside of the available tools for creativity online. One site that comes to mind is Pinterest, it is great for ideas but it does kill the imagination to come up with your own take on crafts.
I felt a little over sold as a collaborator as well. While I do utilize Twitter and Facebook, the personas I put out are extremely sanitized due to the context collapse of social media forums. Which version of myself can I be with my best friends from college and my aunts and uncles occupying the same digital audience seats? For someone aware of the consequences of behaving otherwise, I present an authentic, but censored (I don’t believe they are mutually exclusive always) version of myself. For this reason, I hold back from sharing more online, and therefore end up consuming more than I produce.
I would have to say I am in the boat as well. I feel that I am more of a potential or future digital collaborator. As a film student I have started to make a reel of various film and video projects. Although I have only shared a couple works on my facebook page and youtube. I feel that as a student I am still learning and find it hard to share personal works through online sources.