Blog Entry #14

The most important thing Dr. Markman told us that we would ever learn in the class is that the internet does not make us anti social. There is no research to support that statement. Chances are when someone is on the internet, they are communicating with one another either through social networking or even dating sites which is becoming normal now a days. Another thing that’s changed that I really hated to see change was when people started writing journal entries on their computers instead of a nice hard back journal with a pen. I used to write a lot and would write the bulk of my stuff on paper and then type it up into a word document. I also do not think it’s as personal when you keep a journal online. The second important thing I have learned is that anything that is put on the internet can stay forever. You really have to be careful about what you put on there because there can be repurcussions depending on what you have put out there. The third important thing I have learned is that with all this new technology we can either adapt and grow with it or we can be close minded and remain in the dark. I would rather try to learn it and grow with the technology. I would rather the technology help us than hold us back. With the internet, I think the positives outweigh the negatives.

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