I would like to focus on the survey results; mainly, because Pew Internet surveyed 26 different kinds of groups with members being both diverse and participates in new technology. “68% of all Americans (internet users and non‐users alike) said the internet has had a major impact on the ability of groups to communicate with members. Some 75% of internet users said that.”(Rainie, Purcell & Smith 2011) It is interesting because how were they communicating before the internet became more widespread? While reading the research I came to the realization that the internet is affecting how people participate and communicate within groups. Everyone uses the internet voluntarily but some peoples’ dependency makes it into an involuntarily addiction. The research gathered how internet groups achieve their objectives, “55% of active group members say they were in a group that provided emotional support to someone in need; 32% of active group members say that the internet played a role in accomplishing this goal.” (Rainie, Purcell & Smith 2011) I agree 100% because I belong to a weight loss group and we are always there to comfort someone and a lot of our group members have achieved their weight loss/lifestyle goals.
Civil engagement is linked closely with social capital, because people who communicating online might crossover into being sociable friends in reality. Being that people are really busy meeting people online is the most convenient way to meet people and build strong friendship bonds.
You posed the question of how groups communicated before the emergence of the internet. I ask myself that same thing. In fact, I ask how people were able to get their hands on information they needed for school or work, how they found places they weren’t familiar with, how they called a tow truck if their car broke down on the road, etc. I guess our parents made do with what they had. But I think they would agree the resources we have now make things more proficient.
I think it must have been harder to make it on your own. Technology gives us access to so much information and potential for resources. I think individuals necessarily had more agency and responsibility, because they couldn’t risk life without it. They also surely had a fallback system of a reliable network of friends or family to save them in times of need. I think these connections were probably stronger and longer than today – not because they were the best possible match for each other, but they were dependable.
But, I think as varied as our resources are today, when we really need someone, what is the likelihood they will make time for you if it isn’t convenient for them? My sister recently had some trouble and sent out a request for assistance to about 20 of her ‘friends.’ I had a suspicion that she might not get immediate help, but I later found out that no one else even responded. They had the option of not participating; hoping surely someone else would be up to the task. To be honest, I didn’t want to deal with the hassle of the situation either, but I felt obligated because of our connection. She is my sister & I thought she had nowhere else to turn, what was I to do? This is an exaggerated case, but I think the concern is still there. Maybe she didn’t know how to manipulate her resources. Then again, maybe she did.
Tim, people before were more satisfied and their life was easier. All what they used to think about is how to earn money to feed their kids. Nobody used to think of becoming rich, have Hollywood life style, travel all around the world and stay in the most expensive Hotels, or even buy the latest cars and the highest tech. They used to live very simple life with small dreams. Today, everybody want to be rich and have everything. On the other hand everything is going so fast and we have to go with the flow and use the latest technologies to fit in the competition.
Bianca, I, too, think that meeting people online is more convient way to have strong relationships. Who has time to call everybody he or she knows?Nobody, everybody is so busy working, studying, or even taking care of their children. I do not recall when was the last time I call somebody by home phone or even my iphone, all what I do just write couple words for example Merry Chrismas and just text it to all my friends and family members. If I really have sometime I would skype with mom because she lives very far away and I like to see her while talking to her. We are really lucky that we live in this generation where everything is availabe to make ourlives much easier than our parents.
I think time is a huge influence in the popularity of people going to the internet for information, meetings, and socializing. Control of our time is a trait in the 20th century. Most of us don’t want to be bothered with physically going somewhere mainly because of the demands of work, education, and family commitments. We are all on overload.
Meeting people online is a very convenient way to meet people. It’s also very convenient in helping you build relationships with those new people you meet as well as maintain those existing relationships. I think it’s probably more convenient because people usually meet through bonding through sites of interests. It takes the guess work out of it since you know you have at least one thing in common.
I agree that meeting people online is the most convenient way. I have met a lot of people online and there’s nothing wrong with that. For me, its easiest because I am a shy person and don’t really like to get out and meet people the old fashioned way.
Based on your post, if you believe that online interaction is a good way to meet people, do you feel that many internet users use it for that purpose?
I think a weight loss group is a great example of an online organization that promotes real life social capital. Everyone is there for the same reason, and everyone is dealing with the same pitfalls and problems, so everyone can really offer an excellent level of emotional support to one another. I don’t know how frequently those online relationships would turn into offline ones, but I do think that they are important and meaningful. If a person is struggling with something, like weight loss or depression or any number of things, but they don’t have a real world friend to help them, then an online community can really be a great support system for them! Even if a person has an awesome offline support system, a little extra cheering never hurt anyone!