Turtle believes that people have many different identities through different parts of their life. She talks about how people become who they want online as if they step into virtual world and become their hearts desires. In many ways this is true because no one online know that you’re not who you say you are so it allows you to look within yourself and become someone that you many actually be afraid of becoming. Baym agrees with Turtle concept of identity and that when in the virtual world we develop a new identity which allows people to choice who they want to be. Baym actually quotes Turtle on page 107 regarding “the self is no longer simply playing a different role in different settings at different times.” Baym points out a good point that many people have relationships online which may be due to a lie being told and many try to use this a proof for a divorce however, physically nothing was done other than each other expressing words. She also states that with the use of avatars someone could steal but can that person be held accountable? As we develop these new identities does that give us a lead way to actually do what we want to do because we know that it is not reality?
CMC context in Turtle work differ from the blog that I am following. Turtle discuss that the internet is used as a way to escape reality and form the identity that you may have been suppressing. However, my blogger is not forming a new identity she is opening the door to herself to allow you to see her true side or identity. She is not escaping reality she is trying to show everyone what she consider to be normal. She present her identity to be as another, wife and friend and does not give the impress that she has taken on other roles or identities.