Rula’s Blog # 4

The globalization process has left an indelible mark on almost every aspect of human activity, language included which in turns, a rise the need for a fast and effective means of communication that would allow for virtually instant interaction among people anywhere in the world. The internet is one ideally meets this demand and has changed our lives. It also greatly affected the language used on this new medium. The English language, which is the most widely used language on the Internet, is undergoing considerable changes, adapting and adjusting to the specific requirements of this new type of communication. Special names have been given for the new type of linguistic medium such as Gobespeak, Netlish or Netspeak, Weblish, Syperspeak, and Webspeak.

In general, there are two attitudes toward Netspeak, Some see it as a threat to the norm, a corruptive influence on standard language, and others see it as a possibility for language innovations and new ways of expressiveness. In either case, the fact remains that it cannot be ignored because it is here to stay. Netspeak serves as a tool of information exchange and socio-emotional expression as well as to build social constructions. The kind of English that is an integral part of this communication is not any specific variety of English such as British, American or Australian, but rather a kind of international, global English because it is used not only for communication, but also as a social marker indicating the users’ belonging to a particular online community. Therefore, yes!I do agree with Baron’s findings that a new hybrid form of English is emerging from IM and text messaging.

For most people, talking is easier than writing and more convenience because writing require more detail and clarity to get a feedback. The language of text/IM is not more like talking than writing; instead, it might be more challenging than writing an essay or email. It also depends to whom you are writing this text and how close is the relationship. Especially, if one of the text senders or both of them has a second language, it can be more challenging and that’s because some abbreviations and images has different meanings in different cultures; therefore, we should be careful when sending a text/IM message globally.

5 thoughts on “Rula’s Blog # 4

  1. I think the contrast between those who see Netspeak as inventive and an opportunity to provide expression and those who see it as a threat to correct use of the written word will deteriorate over time. I think those that fear the change will either move on from the medium or fall into using the more relaxed language themselves. I also predict that those that use it to extremes will grow out of that as well. Hopefully this is just a growing pain of CMC that it will progress beyond as both sides come to a more moderate view point.

    • I strongly agree with you, I too hope that its just a growing pain of CMC that it will progress beyond. We should all make sure to use the highest tech. to go with the flow,but we should also be moderate in using it as well.

    • I also agree that the hopes and fears of Netspeak will eventually coalesce. Whenever new technology emerges, the pros and cons are immediately highlighted. However, if the technology suits our intrinsic needs, then it stays and we adapt to it based on our understanding of the pros and cons. So Netspeak isn’t going anywhere. But, as Baron points out, Netspeak isn’t going to ruin the English language. And it’s not as foreign as some of the older generations think it is.

  2. I really like your point about netspeak being “a social marker indicating the users’ belonging to a particular online community.” I think that is a really interesting way to look at this phenomenon, and it particularly makes sense given that netspeak is used mostly by younger users. In this way it is like any other kind of slang, but it is made more visible and more persistent by the affordances of CMC. Nice post!

  3. Thank you very much to all of you. I like to take the good sides of things and ignore the bad ones because everything has its benefits and advantages, but if we will keep critisizing everything and not giving it the chance and the time we won’t be able to step forward.

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