Hi Everyone! My name is Stephanie Price and I am a senior Communication major. I plan to graduate in May. I and married and just celebrated my 5th year anniversary on Saturday. I have three beautiful children two boys and a girl and I work full time so my life is extremely business. I look forward to having a wonderful semester with each of you. Please let me know if there is anything I could do to help. Good luck this semester :).
Monthly Archives: January 2013
My User Type (Jay Bishop)
According to the results of the technology quiz I took, the user type that best describes me is a digital collaborator. Digital collaborators consist of 8% of the general population. I do not feel this is an accurate title for me. While I do have all of the assets listed on page 26 of Horrigan’s manuscript, I am not a member of the 39% who is “motivated by mobility”, (p. 6). Aside from using the internet to complete on-line courses, I never share creations with others. Additionally, neither the remaining “what you need to know about them” nor the “key demographic facts” on the chart on page 6 would accurately describe my user type or me.
Even though my family and I have a lot of technology in our home, we do not use every last part of it on a daily basis. In fact, it may be weeks or even months between usages of one or more forms of technology. While digital collaborators do not require any assistance with technology, I need assistance setting up new technology. A user type that would describe me more accurately would most likely be a drifting surfer. Like them, I scan the internet for recreational purposes, but could give it up easily.
I think it is valuable to discuss the different types of technology users. For example, with Horrigan’s notation about the increasing cell phone use for making digital photos, it would likely be unwise for me to open a traditional camera shop. Likewise, Horrigan’s discussion of the increased reliance on e-mails would correlate to the financial woes of the U.S. Post Office. It is a valuable concept to understand how other people value and/or use technology, as this has a large bearing upon interpersonal relationships, the economy, and media influence.
What Type of User Are You? – Adrienne
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Tech User Quiz I am a Digital collaborator. This results is spot on I use technology in many ways and many times per day. The only part I do not agree with is that it states that this type of user is mostly male. I am a woman! In reading the other types of users I feel that I do also have traits of Ambivalent Networker, I do majority of my socializing thru Facebook and Instagram. From tome to time I get on twitter, but not that interested in it for networking/socializing. I use my cellphone for talk/text/and social media thru apps.
The second category I feel I have traits in would be a Media Mover, I do put lots of digital photos on line and often share other photos with quotes, scenery, and food.
It is important to discuss other type of different technology users because you have to know the best way to connect with your friends, co workers, business partners, and any other social relationships. For example, you do not want to text someone who does not have text feature on their mobile phone. There are levels of technology users as we can see with all the potential types in this quiz. If you are not aware of the diversity you limit your chances to connect or communicate effectively.
Clarissa Sidhom | Introduction
Hi everyone! I’m Clarissa Sidhom, and I have a wonderful husband and an adorable child (our kitten named Bo). I love experimenting with Pinterest crafts, attempting new recipes (that’s definitely hit or miss!), and finding awesome little treasures in thrift stores. I am a senior communication major, and I’m very excited about this class because I spend a large amount of my time online. I am a wedding and proposal photographer, and the internet is important not just for my personal relationships, but also for marketing and brainstorming new ideas.
I’m very excited to read your thoughts and get to know you all! :)
Rula’s Blog #1 : What User Type Are You?
According to the Pew Internet Technology User Type Quiz and the Horrigan (2009) report I am a Desktop Veteran user. In fact, the Desktop Veteran type did not describe me very well. It is true that I use the internet several times a day and actively for information fathering and to stay in touch with others and enhance my day-to-day productivity, but I use my laptop more often. So it is not the matter of not being able to get used to using the laptop to replace the desktop, but for me, it is the matter of the availability. So whatever is available for me I would use it without having any problem or favoring one over the other.
The other point is using the cell phone. The Desktop Veteran type assumes that the users are not heavily oriented toward the cell phone or venture into non-voice applications on their mobile devices. This point is also not true in my case because I usually use my cell phone more than the desktop or laptop for almost everything ;such as, work, entertainment, shopping, texting, and to Skype with my family members from all over the world.
The last point that states “Most of Desktop group are avid TV watchers” is not true at all. I rarely watch TV unless one of my kids invited me to watch a movie in their choice. Over all, the report did not describe me accurately, and that’s normal, because each person is different and can have different traits from each type of users. Therefore, I see myself more as a Roving Nodes type who they are mostly women, late 30s, well educated, and use their email or texting to arrange their busy lives and enhancing personal productivity; or as the Drifting Surfers users who they may skip a day of using internet without worry; or I might be like the Information Encumbered who they feel overloaded by information. We all have different feelings toward things in different situations which could affect our choices and decisions.
In the end, it is very important to learn about the other types of technology users so people from different places, languages, generations, and education can communicate more effectively and with full of understanding and respect.
Blog Entry #1 – Nicole Williams
After taking the Pew Internet Technology User Type quiz, I discovered that I am a “digital collaborator.” This title certainly does not surprise me in the least bit. According to my results, I am enthusiastic about the ways in which technology helps further my lifestyle. Technology is an easy way for me to share ideas and stay connected with family, friends, and the world around me. Most of my family members live in Minnesota, which is obviously not a hop, skip, and jump from Memphis. Thus, using media outlets such as Facebook and text messaging allow my family members and I to stay connected and see pictures of each other’s lives (and climate differences) on a regular basis.
I also see myself as an “ambivalent networker.” Sadly and more often than not, it does seem as though most of my communication with friends comes through texting or Facebook or email. Communicating face-to-face has become more and more difficult in a world where other media opportunities are presented to enhance the communication process. In terms of the value of discussing different types of technology users, I believe it is important for individuals to know their user type. Otherwise, it is possible for us to become less understanding and more impatient as to why others aren’t up-to-speed on technology. Knowing and understanding that other people operate on different social outlet levels allows room for more individual respect.
Nicole Williams Introduction
Hi class! My name is Nicole Williams, and I am senior Communication major. I am thrilled to be graduating in just a few short months. I am taking this class because I love online classes, and the idea of communicating on the internet is so prevalent in today’s world. My husband I just celebrated our first anniversary together by going on a cruise to Cozumel, the Cayman Islands, and Jamaica. While we had a blast, it was definitely NOT fun being welcomed back home by cold, rain, ice, and REALITY. Yuck! Also, we have five month old Yorkipoo puppy named Paisley, and she is my pride and joy! I have waited patiently for many years to finally get a dog (she was my present for becoming completely debt free) so I am happy to finally have a fur baby to love on and snuggle with. I have taken mostly online classes throughout my course as a student, so I have become quite good at how these weekly blogs/discussion posts work. I’d be glad to help anyone who is struggling to “keep up” with the online way of doing things. I am really looking forward to this class, as it seems that so much communicating is done online these days!
Rula Asali : Self Introduction
Hello Everybody,
My name is Rula, a mother of two beautiful kids, Deanna and Adam. I have 1 cat and I am a full time senior student at U of M. This course is part of my major that’s why I’m taking it. My major is Health Services Administration and I am planning to graduate on Dec.,13.
I am a wonderful cooker, I cook healthy food almost everyday. I used to play piano ever since I was 3 years old until I start going to school. It is so hard to to be both full time student and mother,so I can’t wait to finish so I can be free to do all what I want to do in my free time if I ever had any. I graduated with highest honor from Southwest Tennessee Community College last Fall and I’m planning to do the same and graduate with highest honor from the U of M. I took a lot of online classes before but I never did any logs before so, I’m looking to learn new techs in this class to improve my skills more and be more marketable when graduate, so wish me luck, and good luck to all of you :)
Introduction (About Me)
Hey everyone,
My name is Brook Ruble and I am 21 years old. I grew up and still live in Obion County, TN. I am a Communications major, but hope to work in the field of Public Relations when I graduate. Dr. Markman is also my advisor so I am curious as to see how she will be as an instructor! I took this course because she suggested it to me and mentioned she woud be the one teaching it. It sounds really interesting and I think it will be beneficial to me. I love animals and have 2 dogs and several cats. One of my cats actually passes away a couple weeks ago: ( It was tough because he was only a year old. RIP Bobby. On a happier note, some of my favorite TV shows include Nashville, Revenge and Law and Order: SVU. I am also obsessed with a slew of reality shows like the Real Housewives franchise, Full Throttle Saloon, Pawn Stars, South Beach Tow, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, and Dance Moms. I am also an avid Facebook user. When I was in high school, everyone had MySpace. I think Facebook is so much better though. One Social Media tool I have yet to understand is Twitter. That is just one I haven’t really gotten into. I am planning a trip to Hawaii for Spring Break to visit my cousin so I am really looking forward to that and also to another good semester! :)
What User Type Are You?
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Tech User Quiz, I am a Digital Collaborator within the Motivated by Mobility category. After reading The Mobile Difference, I personally felt that I was more aligned with the Ambivalent Networkers, which would make sense based on the group demographics (male, late 20s). Digital Collaborators like to create and share via personal websites, blogs, podcasts, etc. They are self-proclaimed “nerds”. Side note: I have lots of techie friends, but I’m not a fan of how they call themselves “nerds”. It’s a badge of honor to them. It’d be like if I told all of you “I’m awesome.” Anyway, I use ICTs i.e. my iPhone, laptop, iPod, etc. on a daily basis to work, connect with others and to stay updated on news, entertainment and industry-related topics. When publishing, I do my best to avoid becoming a me-former (someone who talks about themselves all the time). I use Twitter quite a bit to comment on news items and other areas of interest. As do other Ambivalent Networkers, there are times when I feel ICTs are intrusive in my life even though it’s my own fault. I choose to stay plugged in.
The Horrigan article also mentioned that Ambivalent Networkers text more than any other group. I’m not sure how many text messages the average person sends in a given week or month, so I don’t have a basis to compare myself with others. I probably send more than 1,000 text messages per month, but probably less than 2,000. I’m guessing that’s above average. The article also said the Ambivalent Networkers watch the least amount of TV, with only 24% watching TV in a given day. I’m in that 24%. TV is one way I relax, whether it be watching a game or a favorite show.
Overall, I liked the distinction between Motivated by Mobility and Stationary Media Will Do users. I think it’s pretty cut and dry when grouping people into one of these categories. However, the groups within these categories isn’t so simple. I shared traits from multiple groups, as I’m sure many of you did as well. Our access, actions and attitudes towards ICTs is not as neat as this survey attempts to make it. Individuals are different and motivations are complex.