Dr. Ching-Chi Yang is an Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis. He received a doctoral degree in statistics from The Pennsylvania State University in 2019. His primary interests focus on industrial and engineering statistics, statistical learning, dimensional analysis, response surface methodology, and data mining. His related research projects vary from response surface methodology, tropical cyclone predictions, to stock price predictions. He has received awards including the American Society for Quality 2018 Fall Technical Conference Student Scholarship, and Jack and Eleanor Pettit Scholarship in Science from Penn State University.


  • Ph.D. in Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
    Advisor: Dennis K.J. Lin
    Dissertation: Dimensional Analysis for Response Surface Methodology
  • M.S. in Statistics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
  • M.S. in Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
    Advisor: Dong-Ho Tsai
    Thesis: Some Properties of Plane and Space Curves
  • B.S. in Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

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